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Top-Rated Logo Recognition API For Worldwide Companies

We know that adapting to new markets is more complicated than it seems, that’s why today we bring you a new tool that can help you with that and much more: Brand Logo Recognition API.

Let’s take an example: if you are a company established in the West but wanting to expand to other markets, how do you analyze the competition or if your product is profitable in that particular market if you do not fully understand the language?

Having translators and a local work team from the target market is obviously the ideal, but we know that sometimes emerging companies cannot afford that investment, that is why the Brand Logo Recognition API is presented as an alternative to obtain a first overview in a first and then unfold all its functions.

Brand Logo Recognition API is capable of recognizing and cataloging tons of brands around the world in a matter of seconds with just an image provided by you or your team.

With Brand Logo Recognition API you can make a recognition of the most seen brands in the strategic points of the most important cities you are targeting, how they are displayed and how they compete with each other.

These advantages a few years ago seemed impossible to achieve without investing a large amount of resources, and now the Brand Logo Recognition API does it almost instantly and with more than striking plans.

Top-Rated Logo Recognition API For Worldwide Companies

Abstract logotype marks

One particular kind of pictorial logo is an abstract mark. It reflects your company but isn’t a familiar image like an apple or a bird; rather, it’s an abstract geometric shape. 

Some well-known examples are the Pepsi divided circle, the Adidas flower, and the BP starburst logo. Abstract markings, like other logo symbols, are very effective at encapsulating your brand in a single visual. 

However, abstract logos provide you the freedom to develop something completely original to represent your company rather than being limited to a picture of a recognisable object.

Top-Rated Logo Recognition API For Worldwide Companies

What about the pricing of the API?

Do you think, after reading this, that theBrand Logo Recognition API is quite pricey?

Our Brand Logo Recognition API has four distinct plans to meet any of your (or your company’s) requirements.

The first is the non-cost plan, which includes 50 Requests per Month.

The Basic plan, which has 10,000 Requests per Month is $49.99.

Following that is the Pro plan, which includes 100,000 Requests per Month is $99.99.

Finally, there is the Pro Plus, which has 500,000 requests per month for $499.99.

But, as if these four incredible plans weren’t enough, we now have a new custom plan that you can adapt to the changing needs of your business.

We put a lot of effort into being able to provide this additional choice to people who need it most because we are aware that needs are constantly changing and being added to or taken from.
We hope we have convinced you to give our Brand Logo Recognition API a chance and that you and your company start to make a name for yourself on the internet.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology