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Top Rated API To Acquire Indium Prices In Japanese Yen

Do you want to obtain indium rates in Japanese Yen? Then, there is an API that could be helpful for you. 

Indium is a soft, silvery metal. In addition, Indium tin oxide, which is utilized in touch screens, flatscreen TVs, and solar panels, is made up of the majority of the metal. This is because it is transparent, conducts electricity, and has a strong affinity to glass.

In addition, microchips and transistors are made from some of the metal’s compounds. Because of its low melting point, this alloy is also used as a protective coating on welders’ goggles and as a fire-sprinkler system in stores.

The most important markets of this metal are China and the United States. As a result, you should keep up with the market so that you don’t miss out on lucrative opportunities while deciding which option is ideal for you.

Top Rated API To Acquire Indium Prices In Japanese Yen

In this case, an API, which is an interface for getting data from a location and transferring it to the person who requested it, is the finest instrument for obtaining real-time information on metals. It’s really that simple, and you’ll find yourself using it in a lot of different scenarios. Metals-API is the name of the tool, and we’ll show you how to utilize it.

Why Metals-API?

Metals-API began as a basic, lightweight Open-Source API that provided access to current and historical precious metals pricing reported by banks. Metals-API can supply real-time precious metals data through API with a 2 decimal point precision and a frequency of every 60 seconds.

Delivering Precious Metals exchange rates, converting single currencies, providing Time-Series data, fluctuation data, and the lowest and highest price of each day are all capabilities. It has values in many different currencies (such as the Japanese Yen) and more than 170 metals (including indium). 

Top Rated API To Acquire Indium Prices In Japanese Yen

How does it work?

1. Get your API key from

2. In the website’s list, look for the indium symbol and currency sign you want to use. In this case, the Japanese Yen.

3. Use these symbols to add metal and money to the list, then make the API call.

4- You have the option of using JSON or PHP as a programming language.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology