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Top 3 Best Practices For An URL Shortener API

Are you wondering how should a URL shortener API be used? Then, read to the end because here we will tell you the top 3 practices for these helpful tools!

To start, keep in mind that an API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of definitions and protocols that allows two software elements to interact with each other. For example, a location API is used in delivery applications to show you which businesses are near you when you want to order something.

URL shortener API is a piece of program that enables you to considerably shorten any link in a few seconds. Every developer, community manager or content creator should use one of these tools, as they have proved to be extremely useful and a good solution to save both time and money.

Top 3 Best Practices For An URL Shortener API

Here we will give you some fundamental practices when using the URL shortener API. 

1. You can make your links simpler, less overwhelming, more memorable and strengthen your brand image. 

2. You can better disseminate your content. Shortening a link allows you to publish it on different platforms, especially on social networks, where space is limited, and you must optimize each character as much as possible.

3. You can include one of these APIs in your own, to improve the user experience and help other developers generate more user-friendly and efficient software programs.

A URL shortener, however, can also be utilized to hide tracking links, shrink a link for printing, run an A/B test, retarget a link for market research, or swap out a link at a later time. Thus, some of these APIs also offer a detailed metrics for your URL shortenings that can help you track links based on the amount of traffic they receive from specific regions or device types.

What Is The Best URL Shortener API Available In 2022?

Top 3 Best Practices For An URL Shortener API

This sort of software programs, however, are not new. The first of its kind was created in 2002, when Twitter’s user base was rapidly growing. Since then, a slew of APIs for link shortening have emerged, including Bitly,, Tiny URL, and Cuttly. 

Regardless, we will introduce you to the best URL shortener API that we have discovered on the adtech market. This is the URL Shortener API, which is available for testing at no cost on the Zyla API Hub. This API generates a short link to any URL in a short period of time. Simply enter the URL you want to shorten, confirm that you are not a robot, and you will be provided with a short link to use wherever you need or desire. The API will notify you whether the API call was successful, so you’ll know if the process was successful.

URL Shortener API is a tool for generating short links that will save you from having to remember long URLs. You can generate multiple short links from different URLs with a few clicks. Simply enter the link to be reduced. That’s all there is to it! This is why we seriously encourage everyone to use it. As a result, this API offers a variety of paid plans that allow you to execute up to 1,000,000 API calls per month at a low cost.

How To Use This?

To ensure that you have the best experience possible with this API, we will now walk you through the steps necessary to obtain a short link:

  1. Go to the Zyla API Hub and choose the URL Shortener API.
  2. Sign in to get your API key.
  3. Enter the URL you want to shorten.
  4. Please verify that you are not a machine.
  5. Take a look at the outcome!

We have already told you the top 3 best practices of a URL shortener API and introduced you to the best one available in 2022. Just start trying it and take a look at the results!

Published inAppsTechnology
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