If you tried Zapier but you’re not very convinced with its way of working, stay here because we’ve found the top 3 URL shortener alternatives for that API in 2023 so you can choose the best one!
A URL shortener is a website that generates shortlinks, which are condensed versions of web addresses. Anyone who clicks on a shortlink is redirected to the longform website address that was originally specified. Users can build vanity or custom branded links using some URL shorteners.
These techniques are frequently used by marketers to make a lengthier URL inside marketing or messaging more aesthetically pleasing. Particularly popular are shortlinks on social networking platforms where character limits apply or in mobile messaging where screen real estate is at a premium.
An API called Zapier enables automatic actions to be carried out between different web applications. It automates your job by moving information between your apps in accordance with pre-established rules by integrating them. No other platform currently integrates more of the most popular business tools than Zapier.
With the use of this API, which enables you to connect URL Shortener by Zapier with thousands of the most popular apps without writing a line of code, you can automate your tasks and save more time for what matters the most.
But in case you are unhappy with Zapier, don’t be afraid to sign up with one of the URL shorteners on the list below because they will all be helpful to your business.
URL shortener API on Zyla API Hub
Using this URL shortener API, you may swiftly and precisely condense your URLs. The way it works allows you to replace those long URLs that seem to go on forever with a new, useful, and concise one.
The URL shortener API is great for companies, persons in charge of websites or social media, and anyone else who needs to get rid of a lot of URLs at once. It’s also ideal for updating your marketing plans. The URL shortener API is an excellent resource for formulating SEO strategy.
Long, ugly URLs are converted by GoLinks into short, legible go links that may be typed directly into browsers, emails, chats, and discussions. This cloud-based solution is being used more frequently by both big and small teams to complete tasks.
GoLinks helps businesses to safely, successfully, and at scale access and exchange work-related information and resources. GoLinks also provides connectors with some of the most well-liked business applications, a mobile app, and a browser experience.
Read more about it here https://www.golinks.io/landing.php#product
Jelly URL
A next-generation link shortener that allows you to schedule changes to your link destinations is called Jelly URL. You can make QR codes, activate UTM tracking, add custom domains, schedule changes to your links, and more with Jelly URL. An all-in-one solution for managing links is called Jelly URL.
By simply selecting the time and location of the modification, Jelly URL also allows you to plan adjustments to your link destinations. Once you create a timetable, you are done with the entire procedure and don’t need to do anything further.
You can find more data bout it going to their website https://jellyurl.com/