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Top 3 Alternatives To Get The Country Code With A Ip Geo API

If you are looking for different alternatives to get the country code of the people who visit your site. Then I recommend that you continue reading this article. We are going to provide you with some information about it.

Country codes are short alphabetic or numeric codes created to represent countries and their dependent areas, for use in data processing and communications. The most widespread system is ISO 3166-1.

Below There Are The Rank Of The 3 Best Ones:

1. IpXapi:

That software provides very accurate information. Its about where the instrument is geolocated. The client can customize the experience based on IP addresses. The data used by this API is updated every day . The databases have 24 updates in one day. Also, ipXapi is integrated with lot of channels that provide real-time IP data and its data is increasing every day and currently helps more than 2 million individual locations, in over 200,000 cities around the world.

2- ipapi :

About - ipapi

Ipapi is an API cloud service allowing clients to automate IP speech verification and geolocation lookup in websites, apps, and back-office systems. The API is capable of determining a total of 47 unique data points for each processed IP address, including comprehensive details about the site , connection, ISP, currency, time zone, and security attached to a given IP address.ipapi is a development built and supported by apilayer, a software corporation based in London, United Kingdom and Vienna, Austria. Player is the corporation after famous API and SaaS products worldwide, including the mailbox layer API, invoicely and eversign.

The ipapi service is widespread among businesses and developers worldwide and is used by more than 30.000 companies from all around the world. To know more about the API, you can get a free API key.

3- IpGeolocation: Alternatives in 2021 - community voted on SaaSHub

That database is really accurate in the country level. Also it has an around 75% correct at the city level. The database should be downloaded and you can save it in your computer or electronic device. The precision for mobile webs is lower than that of wired networks. Databases are open in plain CSV files which are damaged down into numerous relational files so that importing them to SQL databases or reading them directly in different programming languages is simple and straightforward. The information is updated a lot of moments in a week.

Published inAppsTechnology