If you want to start using an API for this manner, then you are in the right place. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about them!
Coal is a fossil fuel that is used for heating and electricity generation. It is formed from the remains of plants that lived millions of years ago. There are three main types of coal: anthracite, bituminous, and lignite. Depending on the type of coal and the location of sale, coal prices change. Anthracite coal typically costs the most, followed by bituminous coal, lignite, and then other types of coal. A fossil fuel called coal is created from the ashes of extinct plants that perished millions of years ago.
In the case of coal prices APIs, they allow users to access up-to-date information on current coal prices. This can be used by companies in a variety of ways; such as for tracking prices over time or for comparing prices between different suppliers. By doing this, you may choose your trading strategy more carefully and always be aware of the state of the market.

The price of coal fluctuates due to a variety of factors. One of the crucial components is supply and demand. Price increases are common when there is a rise in coal demand. Prices usually rise when a certain good or service is in high demand. Changes in geopolitics are a further factor that might affect coal pricing. For instance, when disputes arise between nations, this may cause delays in the coal producing and shipping processes, which can increase costs.
The Commodities API is without a doubt the finest option if you’re looking for exact information on coal pricing.
Let’s Introduce the Commodities API!
Developers can get real-time data on the value of commodities through the Commodities API, which is made available by more than 10 different exchange rate data providers for commodities pricing. The API provides many endpoints, each of which performs a distinct function. The endpoint provides access to data on one or more currencies, details about daily changes, value conversion, and time series data for one or more currencies. It can also make API calls to get the most recent commodity rate data for all or a specific set of currencies.
Depending on the commodity you’re looking for, this API will provide you with a variety of replies. In this instance, we’re interested in finding out more about coal. Use the coal symbol (COAL) offered by the API to look up information on coal:
{"data":{"success":true,"timestamp":1681744080,"date":"2023-04-17","base":"USD","rates":{"COAL":0.0073126142595978},"unit":"per tonne"}}
As you can see from the answer, 0.0073126142595978 tonnes of coal are equal to one dollar.
All You Have To Do To Utilize It Is:
- Go to Commodities API and simply sign up, when you are done you’ll be ready to start using the API!
- Employ the different API endpoints using the symbols given by the API depending on what you are looking for.
- Once you meet your needed endpoint, make the API call by pressing the button “run” and see the results on your screen.
The Commodities-API offers data with a two-decimal place precision in more than 170 different currencies. You can perform up to 100.000 API requests each month and receive data updates every 60 seconds, depending on the subscription you choose. This API has a seven-day trial period available.