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The Most Dev-Friendly Vessel Traffic Information API In 2023

Vessel Traffic Information API locates and monitors the movement of ships in real-time. It is used by coast guards and harbors masters to ensure the safety of maritime traffic. This API allows ship companies to access data from all the ships they want. 

In 2023, Vessel Traffic Information API will be the most dev-friendly API in the maritime industry. It will be easy to use and well-documented. The API will provide ship experts with access to data that is accurate, up-to-date, and reliable. 

Vessel Traffic Information API provides live information about vessels around the globe. Check your tracking shipments with this API and receive additional information about the ship in question. 

If you’re interested in tracking vessel systems or maritime applications, Vessel Traffic Information API is a great option. It is perfect for monitoring in real-time!

The Most Dev-Friendly Vessel Traffic Information API In 2023

Why should I use a vessel tracking system?

The marvels of technology continue to penetrate every aspect of our lives. Whether it be work, life at home, entertainment, or how we do just about anything, all of it has completely changed from what it was one or two decades ago. 

The same is the case with the shipping industry. One after the other technological advancement continues to change and improve things in the naval maritime industry. 

These technologies come from all angles but when we take a closer look we see that most of these are the same as the ones that are also changing the face of IT and digitalization in other industries.

A vessel tracking system is an excellent way to monitor the status of a ship and its cargo. The system can be used for various purposes such as tracking vessel rout, monitoring the location of the vessel, and knowing when a ship has been boarded.

A vessel tracking system is a system that monitors the location of ships, usually for commercial purposes. The system can be used to track the location of a ship, identify it, and monitor its course.

Vessels are fitted with a VTS (vessel traffic service) transponder which sends out an AIS (Automatic Identification System) signal that can be picked up by other vessels and shore stations. This information is then displayed on VTS screens or websites, allowing users to see the position of ships in real-time.

There are many use cases for a vessel tracking system:

  • Shipping companies can monitor their fleet
  • Vessels can avoid collisions with other vessels and run aground
  • Vessels can send out distress signals when they are in danger

How is this possible? Satellites collect the information from other sources, and then it is processed by the vessel tracking system. It provides the date, time, and location of vessels.

The vessel tracking system has many benefits. One of them is that it can be used to track the movements of ships in real-time. Another one is that it can be used to monitor fuel consumption, speed, and engine performance to optimize operations.

The Most Dev-Friendly Vessel Traffic Information API In 2023

How Vessel Traffic Information API could help me?

Vessel Traffic Information API is ideal for those companies that want to track the vessel’s routes. Also, you can enrich your databases with information related to any ship. If you want to check where your ship is located at any moment, Vessel Traffic Information API is the one you need. 

Plus, Vessel Traffic Information API will receive parameters like ship number, latitude, and longitude and you will get a list of all the vessels that are located in that area. You’ll get information like destination port, departure port, information about the ship, its max draught, how long it is, and more!

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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