What is lead enrichment?
Lead enrichment is the process of adding data to a lead that has already been collected in order to improve the likelihood of conversion.
The most common way to enrich a lead is by using an Application Programming Interface (API). An API allows you to connect to a source of information and pull your leads through it. This means you can add new fields to your leads and create more accurate records in Salesforce.
Why should you use an API to enrich your data?
Lead enrichment can be accessed through an API in order to integrate it into any existing sales strategy. The benefit of using this tool is that it provides better-quality data for leads, allowing salespeople to have more information about them when they call on them. This allows salespeople to build more personalized relationships with these leads and close more deals with them.
There are many benefits, but a big one, for example, is that it helps determine how likely it is that someone filling out a form will turn into an active customer. This protects you against wasting money and resources on people who won’t buy anything.
We recommend you try out Klazify.
Why should I use Klazify for lead enrichment?

It is, in our opinion, the most comprehensive and relevant consumer data platform currently available. Klazify is an API-enabled platform that categorizes everything your organization needs using machine learning.
The Klazify API accepts a URL and returns information on the company category associated with it. Their API examines a company’s website and classifies it into one of 385+ topic categories (their classification taxonomy is based on the IAB V2 standard).
Klazify can perform a wide range of tasks:
- It uses one of three distinct category formats to organize web pages into 350+ categories.
- The API collects e social media networks and logos associated with a site and updates them in real-time.
- It also looks at the text and meta tags on a website. They scan the text on the webpage with Natural Language Processing. This is how the website is classified.
- With any email address, they may create a detailed personal profile.
- Furthermore, by inputting an email address or a domain, you may utilize the Klazify API to check for personal and corporate information.
So, to get the information, you’ll need to:
- Log in to www.klazify.com to get the API key.
- Copy and paste the company’s URL into the provided box, then double-check that you aren’t a robot before submitting.
- The API response will then be sent to you in your preferred programming language. Klazify works with JSON, Python, and PHP.
- Find and save the desired result. After that, you’re free to do anything you want with it.
An example of a response is as follows:
{ "domain": { "categories": [ { "confidence": 0.69, "name": "/Online Communities" } ], "domain_url": "http://www.reddit.com", "social_media": null, "logo_url": "https://klazify.s3.amazonaws.com/72644513816371671666195303e293793.01678727.png" }, "success": true, "objects": { "company": { "name": "Reddit", "city": "San Francisco", "stateCode": "CA", "countryCode": "US", "employeesRange": "1K-5K", "revenue": null, "raised": 550100000, "tags": [ "Internet", "Web Services & Apps", "Technology", "Forums", "Mobile", "B2C" ], "tech": [ "google_apps", "aws_route_53", "amazon_ses", "mailgun",
Is This a Safe Alternative?
Yes, it is! This platform will navigate to the relevant domain name or URL, collect material, and create suitable categorizes based on an IAB V2 Standard classification taxonomy, which may be used for 1-1 personalisation, marketing segmentation, online filtering, and other applications. As a result, the URL or domain can now be assigned to one of several categories.
Besides, Klazify’s categorization is excellent for internet filtering and security applications, and the greatest part is that they support virtually all foreign languages and all accessible domains.
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Make Signup Forms Shorter With A Company Data API
Also published on Medium.