Do you want to know how to implement an API for wheat from month data for your research project? In this post, we will tell you how to!
The creation of new goods and services necessitates research programs. In this regard, it is crucial to analyze the data gathered via these projects in order to comprehend client wants and, consequently, be able to provide them with better products in the future. In this way, we may use a variety of techniques to analyze the data and produce an analysis that is more precise. using APIs, for instance. These programming interfaces enable us to include many forms of data in our projects.
Food security is a major concern for many nations and countries. The impact of a WFM API on food security and sustainability is huge. Wheat is a staple food for many people around the world. It is used to make bread, pasta, and other baked goods. It is also used to make breakfast cereal and other foods. Wheat is also used to make beer and other alcoholic beverages. Wheat has been cultivated for thousands of years, and it has become an important part of many cultures around the world.

How can we improve our food security?
It’s simple: by increasing our global food supply! There are several ways we can do this, but one of the most effective is by increasing our production of wheat! Wheat is an extremely versatile crop that can be used in everything from breads and pastries to desserts and alcohol! It’s also extremely nutritious, containing iron, protein, fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and more!
Commodities API
Initially, commodities rates were provided by banks and the stock exchange via Commodities-API, a simple, lightweight Open-Source API. This API can give programmers access to real-time commodity data with a frequency of up to every 60 seconds and a precision of two decimal places. Only a few of the functions include offering exchange rates for practically any product, converting between single currencies, providing time-series data, and creating volatility statistics.
Using this API, you can get data from a wide range of products. To receive a response that looks like this, you must enter a specific symbol provided by the API into the endpoint. Every item has a unique symbol.
We needed pricing and information about Wheat From Month on this specific occasion, and this API provided us with the sign “WFM”. 0.0016359918200409 grams of wheat are equal to one US dollar, according to this.
Divide all commodity rates obtained using USD as the base currency by 1. We give the values in the base currency back. The return in this case is 0.0016359918200409 grams of Wheat From Month (WFM) for 1 USD. For the price of wheat per gram in US dollars, divide by 0.0016359918200409 to get 611.25 USD.
To Use It, Just Adhere To These Steps:
- To use the API right away, all you need to do is sign up at Commodities API!
- Look for the symbols that match your search.
- Make an API call with them, placing your selected commodities in symbol, and your preferred currency in base currency.
For all commodities and currency rate data, the API only offers midpoint data. Midpoint rates are determined by averaging the bid and ask median rates over a given time period.