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The Ideal Image Enhancer API For Your Business

Have you ever looked up a product and realized the image is so unclear you can’t really tell how good it is? Does that increase your desire to purchase? Obviously not! In today’s visual environment, poor images or a lack of photos are unacceptable.

Building trust in your brand and business is one of the most crucial parts of internet sales. The buyer can only see what they are buying through images. As consumers compare similar products, ambiguity, rather than price, is the main reason why products remain in online shopping carts unpurchased.

When a seller doesn’t utilize high-quality photos, it’s simple for the buyer to think that they have something to hide. Despite the fact that the product description is crucial for a variety of reasons, it is unlikely to result in a conversion if there is no image to support the claims. Online customers have a variety of possibilities.

High-quality images are crucial since potential customers will go on to the next seller if your product photos fall short of today’s standards.

The Ideal Image Enhancer API For Your Business

People are visual beings. This is one of the key reasons social media and smartphones are so widely used in the present era. For online shoppers, aesthetic buying experiences are as important.

The main way to get people interested in your product is by using high-quality photographs for e-commerce. Instantaneous details about a product, like size, color, and possibly purpose, should be included in the image. It’s also helpful to display the product from several perspectives. A buyer loses faith in their decision to purchase when they are left wondering what the goods looks like on the other side.

Shareable for a growing audience

Sharing pictures is simple. Your potential buyers may simply spread the word about your product to others via text, email, or social media. This is a fantastic approach to reaching new audiences, but if your photos are of bad quality, you won’t see the intended results.

Reducing return rate

Inconsistent color is among the main causes of product returns by consumers. Although filters and lighting can produce beautiful images, they are fundamentally misleading if they alter the color of the subject. To choose which product to purchase, customers rely on accurate product images. Additionally crucial is accurate sizing. In other cases, more imaginative imagery may be needed to illustrate the item’s scope in comparison to something of a normal size.

To make sure your images have the good quality we recommend: Image Enhancer API.

Why do we recommend the Image Enhancer API?

This API is a tool that assists people to improve the quality of all images with just a few clicks. Through several super-resolution algorithms, this API is able to improve how an image looks. 

The Ideal Image Enhancer API For Your Business

If you have a poor-quality photo, this API will make it look better right away. 

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

The user will pass the URL of the image that they want to enhance, and will be receiving a new URL with the improved image. 

Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology