Do you wish to utilize an encrypted text API to strengthen the security of your business or organization? then review this article to discover how to achieve it!
To begin with, thanks to the Internet, global connectivity is increasing every day. As a result, this indicates that the volume of data being transferred via the internet is increasing quickly. You should take all necessary precautions to secure your personal and commercial data as a result.
The adoption of an encrypted text API is a terrific method to keep your company and your clients safe. This kind of service may be used to encrypt and decode text in order to secure personal data.
There is rising privacy worry due to the growth in the amount of data being processed and kept in digital form. Numerous businesses have faced criticism in recent years for the way they handled client data. This has brought about heightened scrutiny of how businesses handle and keep personal data.
Encrypted Text: What Is It?
Using a secret code, the encrypted text is a means to safeguard your client’s privacy. You don’t need to worry about someone else deciphering the code since only the person with the secret key can decode it. It is therefore a wise choice for companies that deal with sensitive data. There are two types of encryption:
Symmetric encryption employs single-key cryptography, in which the same key is used for both encoding and decoding. The key used in symmetric cryptography is the same for both data encryption and decryption.
Asymmetric cryptography uses two keys: a public key that anybody can use to encrypt data and a private key that only its owners may use to decode it.
Why Use An Encrypted Text API?
Using an API is a fantastic method to achieve this. What is exactly? It is a service that uses text encryption and decryption to safeguard personal data. Here are some advantages of utilizing an encrypted text API for your company:
Protection against hackers: An encrypted text API encrypts all text so that only those with access to the decryption key can read it. By doing this, you can make sure that any hackers who try to access your website or app won’t be able to see any sensitive data, including credit card or social security numbers.
Aids in preventing breaches: If your website or app allows users to enter information like their name, address, phone number, or email address, having an encrypted text API will safeguard them from hackers who might use this data for identity theft.
You can generate secure passwords using a solid encryption and decryption API without having to write them down (or keep them in a document on your computer).
Protect Your Data by Encrypting It!
Any text may be transformed into the necessary encrypted format by using the Encryption and Decryption API. Supported hashes include MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512. You’ll also be able to understand them. Encryption is frequently used in internet security and can provide a safe way to send data over the internet or exchange critical information inside your company.
You will receive a string from the Encryption and Decryption API that you may encrypt as you like. Later, you’ll get a Hash that you may store. You can accept login requests and transaction requests by matching your hashed strings. It’s quite simple and secure.
Related Post: Try This Top Security Encryption API In 2022
Also published on Medium.