We can say without fear of being wrong that in almost all websites or apps there is a strict policy on gore content where the dissemination of this type of images is limited to almost nothing or directly prohibited, whether in photos or videos.
For this reason, today we bring you a more than essential alternative to be able to adapt to the content parameters that govern, at least these days, the Image Moderation API.
But, you may be wondering what is the definition of gore content.
Gore can refer to both real-life violence, including carnage and murder, as well as the gory violence shown in zombie films. Goring is the term for stabbing someone with a sword. A bull’s razor-sharp horns have the ability to gore a person to death. Gore is blood that has coagulated in a wound.

How does the Image Moderation API function?
The Image Moderation API can be developed to identify and remove specific content or depictions in uploaded images, and it can be connected into a website or app for image moderation. Due to how quickly it identifies duplicate content, automated photo moderation may be immediately improved and can even eliminate spamming.
The software for the Image Moderation API is perfect for reviewing several articles and image uploads. However, since automated moderation does not entail cognitive monitoring of photographs, photos that technically do not violate the set criteria may be removed or reported. It could be displaying themes, though, that are similar to those that the Image Moderation API has noted.
You can identify Not Suitable For Work (NSFW) media (i.e., image/video content) using this Image Moderation API engine.
Based on a residual network (deep learning model), the Image Moderation API returns a probability to denote the explicitness in media material.

To determine whether the content is gore or not, the value is further compared with a predetermined threshold. These engines not only distinguish between gore and non-gore content, but they also show how explicit a piece of media content is.
Our Image Moderation API finds and removes images with graphic violence and gore content to keep your business safe and user-friendly. Pictures that show violence, such as murder, shooting, blood (including makeup used to simulate blood), etc. will be marked as such.
What is the price of this Image Moderation API?
As a result, the Image Moderaton API we’re introducing to you today offers a variety of options for selecting a payment strategy that meets the needs of every single client.
For the time being, this Image Moderaton API is offered in six different plans.
In addition to these six predetermined options, it also has a new plan that you can completely customize to match your own needs.
One of these six full plans can be used for free as a trial and is included in the other six.
This most recent customized plan includes an unlimited number of API calls that you can modify or add to as your needs change. What are you really waiting for?
Also published on Medium.