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The Best VAT Number Check API For Large Companies

If you are part of a large company and you want to use a VAT number check API, you are in the right post. Keep reading to find out which is the best one. 

VAT or value-added tax is a consumption tax. It is a tax on the value that a business adds to goods and services at each stage of production. The value added is determined by the difference between the price paid for goods and services and their cost of production. 

Businesses that sell goods or services to consumers must charge VAT on their sales and submit the VAT they collect to their governments. The value-added tax is an indirect tax, which means that it is collected from businesses that supply goods or services rather than from consumers, who pay it indirectly through higher prices.

The amount of VAT collected by a business depends on its production costs, which include both fixed costs, such as rent, and variable costs, such as wages.  As you can see, this tax is important for any company, as it makes sure that they are paying all the taxes they need to. However, there are some companies that try to avoid paying taxes. For example, they can do this by using false VAT numbers so they can charge less taxes.

The Best VAT Number Check API For Large Companies

This can be a problem for regular companies that have to pay their taxes in time.  That is why, if you are part of a large company, you should use a VAT number check API. This kind of tool will help you make sure that the VAT numbers you have stored in your database are valid and real. This way you will be able to prevent frauds and save time and money by not paying taxes for false numbers. 

Where Can I Get This? 

There are many APIs available online, but not all of them are reliable or efficient. That is why we recommend using the best VAT number check API available: VAT Validation API. With this API at your disposal, you will be able to detect fraudulent VAT numbers and avoid paying them. You will also be able to make sure that your company is paying all the taxes it should be paying. And most importantly, by using this API you will be able to save time as well as money!

VAT Validation API is a reliable tool that can be found at Zyla API Hub; a reputable API marketplace. This tool allows you to quickly determine whether or not a VAT number is valid. In addition, it also provides information about the company that owns the VAT number; such as its name, address, and more.

The Best VAT Number Check API For Large Companies

How To Use This?

The Get vat Number From Company URL API is extremely simple to use: just follow these few steps and you’ll get your results in no time: 

  • First, create an account on Zyla API Hub, which is one of the most reliable APIs marketplaces in 2023. After this, you will be given an API key that will allow you to make API calls to any of the APIs available in Zyla API Hub.
  • Second, verify your API key by including your bearer token in the Authorization header. Once you’re finished with this step, you can begin making API calls.
  • Finally, provide the company’s name and country as parameters for VAT Validation API call; then use the endpoint VALIDATE and make the API call.
  • And…that’s it! Now wait for a few seconds for the response since VAT Validation API uses artificial intelligence to analyze all of its data quickly. Then it will respond with the VAT number and more information about the company.

If you choose “VALIDATE” as the endpoint type, you can analyze the following responses:

"valid": true,
"countryCode": "GB",
"vatNumber": "947785557",
"companyAddress": "58-60 COLNEY ROAD",
"companyCity": "DARTFORD",
"companyPostCode": "DA1 1UH"

And there you have it! You’ll get all the information you need about any VAT number in just a few seconds! Isn’t this amazing? Give it a try now and see how it works!

Published inAPI