If you’re looking for the best tool to improve your marketing data in 2022, here’s how.

Brief Introduction
An API gives you access to all of your marketing data. It’s not just one source, it’s a way to pull in data so you can make stronger decisions. With the help of analytics software, you can grab a wide variety of data from multiple sources, aggregate it and build meaningful reports. This means using data from your CRM and ad management software, or even pulling in open source data from Twitter to see which influencers are performing the best for specific campaigns. Having access to data from across your organization provides a deep pool of insight.
Marketers, data scientists, and analytics professionals are under pressure to do more with less. They want to create robust predictive marketing models, uncover new revenue streams, and provide better customer experiences at lower costs – with the resources they already have in-house. With an open API as part of your company’s technical infrastructure, you can get what you want very simply.
What Is an API and How Does It Work?
API stands for Application Programming Interface. To understand how APIs can improve your marketing data, let’s first take a look at what an API is in general and how it works. An API is an interface, a way of connecting software programs to allow them to share data—in our case, online marketing data. With an API platform, developers create applications or websites on behalf of their clients that can connect directly to the company’s back end databases. This allows them to access essential information—campaign budgets, phone numbers, and times that are stored there—so they can come up with reports and charts that will help their clients better analyze their business data and turn it into actionable insights.
To categorize by email, follow these steps:
- To obtain your API key, go to www.klazify.com
- Copy the email and double-check that it is correct in the supplied box.
- All of the data was supported by this software in programming languages like JSON, Python, and PHP.
- Choose the best outcome and save it. After that, you are free to do whatever you want.

Why Klazify?
This software is one of the most complete and accurate categorization. Klazify uses an application programming interface to collect data and categorize it by URL, email address, or domain (API). Because it collects data in an automated manner, this API is quite accurate when it comes to sorting data. It extracts, among other things, logos, information, market classifications, and domain security levels.
How Klazify’s API Can Help Categorize Websites – TheStartupFounder.com
Also published on Medium.