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The Best 3 Speech To Text APIs For Audio Transcriptions

One of our most essential life skills is communication. We are constantly exchanging information through our language and our behavior. If we are misunderstood, we may feel frustrated. Speech, our ability to talk or the activity of speaking, is also an important aspect and it is essential and inherent to every human being.

Another marketable skill we need to learn is how to use applications. Applications are computer programs designed to achieve a specific purpose. Microsoft or Linux are constantly developing apps, and we, as users, are exposed daily to them. We install them on our smartphones or computers because apps help us have fun, stay in touch with others, and grow our businesses.

The Best 3 Speech To Text APIs For Audio Transcriptions

Application Programming Interfaces And Speech To Text APIs

Thanks to an application programming interface, apps communicate with each other. They are software-to-software interfaces. In other words, APIs enable applications to talk to each other. One of the most common APIs nowadays is Speech to Text API. A speech to text API transcribes audio and records into text. So, users get transcription results of records or speech.

Among the many alternatives of APIs that we have, we can find one that is extremely useful, namely, a speech to text API. The purpose of this API is to transcribe English Speech to Text . In this case, we have a written copy of what has been spoken.

Which Are The Best 3 Alternatives For Speech To Text API?

Getting to choose one of the many alternatives of speech to text API is a challenging task. Let’s propose the best three alternatives. First of all, we have AssemblyAI. AssemblyAI automatically transcribes and understands audio. It offers an easy-to-use interface and text summarization. Also, AssemblyAI provides you with several without charge transcription hours for audio files before paying for the API. Moreover, the speech to text API is highly accurate and supports practically any audio.

The Best 3 Speech To Text APIs For Audio Transcriptions

Another plausible option is AWS Transcribe. AWS Transcribe delivers technical transcriptions, which can come in very handy. For example, if you need medical transcription, AWS Transcribe is suitable as it offers a Transcribe Medical API. You just need to create an AWS account and it provides one hour per month without charge. However, AWS Transcribe is partially accurate and it only accepts transcribing files that are already in Amazon S3 bucket.

The Best 3 Speech To Text APIs For Audio Transcriptions

Thirdly, another attractive option is the English Speech to Text API by Zyla Lab. This API transcribes your speech in English to a text. Moreover, you can store your transcription and use it as you wish. The English Speech to Text API makes transcription of any audio you need.

The Best 3 Speech To Text APIs For Audio Transcriptions

Besides, the English Speech to Text API by Zyla Lab bypasses the transcription of interjections or filler words, so you get a clean transcription. You just need to sign up and be assigned a personal API access key, then, you send an URL to the English Speech to Text API. Once you have your transcripted text, you can have access to it faster than ever.

To sum up, English Speech to Text APIs are extremely useful and save users and businesses plenty of time. It is crystal clear that it is easier to read a text than to listen to it. As there are many APIs available, the best three speech to text APIs for audio transcriptions are exposed and developed in this text so as to choose the best alternative.

Published inAppsApps, technologyCategoryTechnology
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