What is text to speech?
Text to speech, or TTS, is the conversion of written words into computerized speech. It is used for many purposes, including accessibility features for disabled people, reading long passages of text aloud as a study aid, and writing documents that are meant to be read aloud. This service can be accessed online in various ways.
How is this helpful?
This service helps those who have difficulty reading text on a normal screen because of visual impairments (such as blindness or low vision), cognitive disabilities (such as dyslexia), or other disabilities. Text to speech can be used in a variety of ways, including to automatically read aloud your writing if you have a disability that prevents you from doing so yourself. It can also be used to create podcasts that are entirely spoken by computer software.

We recommend that you try out Woord.

Woord is a free online TTS with several useful features. It’s accessible in more than 50 languages, including a variety of English dialects, Portuguese, and Spanish. You also have the option of choosing between male, female, or gender-neutral voices. All of these features are available for free, allowing you to test the service before purchasing the premium version. Premium voices, a Chrome plugin, an SSML editor, an MP3 download, and up to 20,000 characters each month are all included in the free edition. With this program, you may also adjust the voice’s speed and format.
Woord’s vocal capabilities allow it to be used in a wide range of situations. It may be used on set-top boxes, wearables, tablets, and smartphones to help the blind and visually handicapped read digital content such as eBooks and newspapers.
Woord has a number of unique features, including:
- PDFs, photos, documents, webpages, and a variety of other file kinds may all be imported.
- An SSML editor that lets you adjust the message’s tempo, tone, volume, and pacing.
- It is possible to make an MP3 file from the document.
If you want to get online text-to-audio Conversion, you’ll need to do the following:
- Go to www.getwoord.com and sign up, or install the Chrome extension on your computer.
- Write your text on the whiteboard, then select a voice in the language you like, as well as gender, tempo, and format.
- When you’re finished, click ‘Speak It’ to make sure everything is operating correctly.
- If you’re satisfied with the result, save it to your computer.
Also published on Medium.