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Are you attempting to avoid plagiarism when writing a text? Then a paraphrase tool might be just what you need! Paraphrasing is the process of putting someone else’s thoughts into your own words. You must rewrite a piece without affecting the meaning of the original text to paraphrase a source.…
Do you want to make sure your content is original and distinctive in 2022? You need these paraphrasing tools! Regardless of how complete you are as a writer, there is always a chance that your content reflects someone else’s work. And search engines recognise any copyright infringement. Therefore, rephrasing instruments…
Are you a student of an institution of any kind? Then you have to keep reading! Students are often asked to compose literary reviews or other academic reports where they should concentrate on the subject inside and out and convey what others have said. Consequently, there is a need to…
Do you have a coming deadline and need help with your writing? We got you covered! The writing process isn’t as easy as one might think. It takes more than time. Nor does it consist only of a determined theme and structure. One must think of the right words; those…