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If you want to find the best way to generate audio for your product demos, this video is for you. The purpose of the demo is to demonstrate what your product does. However, if your main goal is to sell, that’s what you need to focus on. Demonstrating that your…
The sales video is a resource that is often used a lot by people or companies that are launching a product or service that is sold online. If you want to know a little more about them and how to find the best way to generate voices for them, I…
If you are looking for the best text to audio converters to generate audio for your added videos. This article is the right one. Read on. The well-known video campaigns allow you to show advertisements in the form of videos. This can be on YouTube or websites. Also in applications…
Are you trying to use a text-to-speech for your training videos but can’t seem to find the perfect one? Here we show you how to do it. But first, what are training videos? By the name, you’ll think they are something related to exercising or sports, but they are not.…
Are you looking for Indian voices for your personal use but can’t seem to find a good one? Here, we explain to you how text-to-speech can help. Since India is a country that is highly populated (1.38 million people live there) there any many languages spoken in the whole region.…
If you want to discover the best way to add audio to your videos to upload them to the social network Twitter, this article will be of great help. I recommend you to read on. Videos are currently the best option for creating entertaining content. It is what users like…
Books are the best way to introduce knowledge, if you are looking for a way to access them verbally this article is for you. Please read on. Audible books are an excellent resource for when we want to continue acquiring knowledge but do not have the time to dedicate to…
The Webinar concept comes from combining the words “Web” and “Seminar”. Thus was born this new term very heard in recent times. It refers to any type of content in video format. Where the main objective is that it has an educational and practical purpose.If you want to find out…
If you’re trying to find a perfect voice for your video but can’t seem to succeed, here we explain to you why you should be using text-to-speech. When we talk about dubbing, we’re referring to a process used in cinematography and video production that consists of creating audio in a…
Instagram stories are a relatively new concept. As soon as they were launched, users were saying that it was a copy of the “Snapchat” platform. The structure is as follows: a photo or video is uploaded and lasts only 24 hours. After that time, the story disappears. The main feature…