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Do you have an Asian business and are interested in promoting it with email marketing? Then this article is for you! It’s not minor that Asia counts with the countries with the highest internet usage in the world. The number one is China, with 939 million internet users and the…
If you want to know how to be good at dedicated IP email marketing and obtain better results than the current ones, then this article is for you. Here, we explain to you why is this type of email marketing so important and which tool is the perfect one for…
If you have tried to use Mailjet and it didn’t meet your expectations, then here in this article we will offer you the three best alternatives to it. Since the internet’s globalization, email marketing has become one of the most essential marketing tactics. Even with the rise of social media…
The world is fastly turning into a cryptocurrency culture. This is not questionable. Tough, the issues appear when trying to reach people by email. ICO and Sales In order to create and launch a brand new currency, many developers need to crowdfund their projects. Also, the investors and participants of…
If you have a casino in the USA and still aren’t using email marketing for promoting it, then you’re missing out on a big opportunity to grow your business. Here, we show you can it can help you and which are the best tools for doing it. A casino is…
Email Marketing campaigns are commonly known, for sure. But doing it without breaking any rules may be challenging. Moreover, in order to process data, you need authorization from the data owner. That is where the General Data Protection Regulation appears. GDPR This law aims to protect data from unauthorized usage.…
Although there are several options to reach your audience, the best way to do it is by email marketing. That is to say, getting to your contacts’ inboxes is highly recommended. However, you can boost your communications by adapting to new trends. That way, you’ll catch attention and get lead…
With email marketing being one of the best marketing strategies ever, it’s no surprise that you would want to start using it for your business. Because of that, we gathered the best email marketing tools for Europeans. Email marketing is the use of email to advertise products or services while…
If you have a blog, then probably one of your biggest objectives is to gain more traffic and engagement so more people read you. Here, we explain to you how email marketing can help you with that. When we refer to blog traffic we are talking about the number of…
For bloggers and content creators, it’s key to be close to their audiences. That way, they are able to get feedback and adjust their strategies in order to engage. Indeed, to be on their audiences’ minds, using an email marketing strategy it’s an easy way to reach them. Content Furthermore,…