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If you’re having trouble with email marketing because Mailchimp and other big email marketing providers won’t accept your product, here there are the top three alternative tools. Mailchimp is a well-known marketing automation platform and email marketing service based in the United States that allows businesses to manage their mailing…
Do you have a gambling business and want to promote it with email marketing but Mailerlite blocked your account? Then try these alternatives! Traditionally, gambling is defined as an activity in which someone risks money or property, there is an element of unpredictability or chance involved, and the goal is…
An email template is a piece of HTML code that you use to create email campaigns. A decent template will allow you to copy and paste material straight into the file and will look excellent on desktop, mobile, and across many email providers. You can reuse the same template for several…
Are you looking for a tool that allows you to create free HTML email marketing? Here we show you the best ones. Email marketing is the use of email by businesses to advertise their product or service and it’s one of the most effective marketing strategies. It is a sort…
If you are a content creator and are looking for a way to promote your product, here are some tools for you. Patreon is a membership platform based in the United States that gives content creators the tools they need to create a subscription service. It provides prizes and privileges…
If you’re having issues getting the word out about your Ether project to your readers we have some options for you. As a blockchain network, Ethereum is a decentralized public ledger for verifying and recording transactions. The Ether cryptocurrency was created to provide an in-house currency for the Ethereum Blockchain…
If you own a captive insurance company and are looking for a way to promote it, we bring you some tools that could be useful. Insurance is a way of safeguarding against financial loss. It is a type of risk administration that is mainly used to protect against the possibility…
Do you have a travel insurance business and want to know how to promote it? Then email marketing is the solution you need. Whenever we decide to take a trip inside or outside of the country, many things can go right and many others can go wrong. For example, you…
Do you want to promote your insurance business by email marketing but you don’t know how? Here, it’s the solution! Insurance is a means of protection against financial loss. It is a form of risk management, mainly used to cover the risk of a contingent or uncertain loss. It is…
Do you have an insurance business but don’t know how to promote it? Try this email service provider! Basically, insurance provides the opportunity to take care of or think about the future of your family or also to take care of your business. Its a method of safeguarding one’s patrimony…