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If something Amazon has taught us is that it is able to reinvent itself according to the times. Its white Solimo brand is proof of this, especially when imitating Nespresso coffee capsules. Curious, at least the similarities with the white Mercadona brand, Hacendado. The company that started with Jeff Bezos…
A few days after the elections, what do international referents think about the future of the Argentine fintech segment Despite the complex economic and political landscape of 2019, Fintech references in the region welcome the future of the Argentine market At least from the point of view of entrepreneurs from…
Two out of 10 Latino businesses in the United States operate in the state of California, according to Stanford University. But there are still regions of the entity like the San Francisco Bay that are little explored by the Latin American community, says Jolynn Vallejo, director of LatinSF. “Companies like…
Two out of 10 Latino businesses in the United States operate in the state of California, according to Stanford University. But there are still regions of the entity, such as San Francisco Bay, little explored by the Latin American community, says Jolynn Vallejo, director of LatinSF, an initiative focused on…
The appearance of more fintech entities in Latin America as in the rest of the world will mean that they will be absorbed in a period of five years by the banks, resulting in: the bantech, estimates Sebastián Ponceliz, CEO of Odyssey Group. “What is going to happen is that…
Currently there are several projects that can finance entrepreneurs Santiago Zavala grew fully aware of the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs. He saw his parents start a series of small businesses in Mexico City and learned a fundamental lesson: the success of any company depends on having a partner that offers…
In this article, we will show the current landscape of the venture capital industry in LATAM with the main actors of the countries where the entrepreneurship hubs of the region are located. We hope you find it useful 😉 According to the latest report on the state of the Venture…
Large companies in Latin America are not innovating enough and are lagging behind compared to the rest of the world, and Startups are embedding themselves in a tough field. Companies in the region are 20% less likely to introduce a new product compared to those operating in other developing countries…
The platform that in 2018 led to the sale of 270.1 million articles and US $ 11,700 million in transactions shares its vision regarding the moment of e-commerce in our region. E-commerce has a great opportunity for growth in Latin America, which has the example of what happens in China…
Latin America is a land of great opportunities. At least for investments in ‘startups’, which have increased strongly in recent years. The great attraction of a population increasingly connected to the internet adds to the potential for economic growth in the region and is enhanced by the rise of a…