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Cosplayers are very common characters at comic and anime conventions. These are fans who make the costumes and behave like the characters during the convention. If there are good cosplayers, you will see that the atmosphere is cheerful and very colorful, and you will be able to get incredible photographs…
There is a close and codependent relationship between branding and marketing. While branding helps set the tone and purpose of your business, marketing is what takes that purpose and projects it to your audience. Branding can give your business a compelling story, but marketing is how you make sure someone…
Defining what a brand means or what a term like branding actually covers is difficult. They are not clearly defined concepts to try to specify! Is branding the appearance of a company? No. Is it the same as marketing? Either. There is no escaping the importance of branding when it…
If you are looking for the best article about engaging voice-over to improve your video here is the answer! Continue reading to find out what you have to do and what tool is appropriate for your project. Nowadays, every content users see online has a video included. We saw this…
Are you a brand interested in creating videos for a new product? In this article, we are going to talk about how you can use a free AI voice generator to make the most attractive promotional videos. Keep reading to know a little bit more and improve your marketing strategy! …
So if music and sound have such a significant impact on how we feel, what does this mean for brands and businesses? It is well known that many businesses spend time and money on their visual brand, while sound has not been treated as a brand element that needs to…
Audio branding is used as a sensory branding strategy that employs acoustic stimuli and is involved in holistic design and brand building. More and more businesses and brands are working with strategies of this type. Therefore, it is important that you do not fall behind. Below we will tell you…
Audio content is successful and attracts users for multiple reasons. Audio content is top of mind with consumers because it often helps users better understand a topic and stay engaged with your site or app. Therefore, today we will tell you a little about Why Is It Important To Start…
Text-to-speech (or TTS) is a technology that allows humans to produce speech using only text. It is the process of taking written words and translating them into an audible voice. Incredible true? This technology can receive a text and reproduces it with an artificial synthesized voice. In this article we…
Would you like to create a voice memo? You can do it by using text to speech tools! Text-To-Speech Technology (TTS) is a technology that converts text into speech. As the name implies, it is a device that aids in the reading of text aloud. Simply explained, it can read…