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URLs contain much more information than we know. That is, from a single domain you can get interesting information such as where the company headquarters is located, the number of employees, technology implemented on the website and much more. Moreover, by using this data you could access IAB categories related…
Information is key to any department of a company, but developers can really take the profit out of it by integrating data into internal software or applications. We may obtain a variety of information from a company, including its location, category, and even the technologies it employs. With a single…
Are you looking for an API that allows you to get a company’s revenue? Then you should check this one out. Revenue is the amount of money created by typical business operations and is determined by multiplying the average sales price by the number of units sold. Net income is…
Are you trying to know a company’s employees range but don’t know how? Then try using an API. Here we explain to you how. Knowing a company’s employees range can be really useful to your own. This is because you can categorize customers and competitors into different ranges and then…
If you want to increase the safety of your brand but can’t find a good API to do it, here we gathered for you the three best alternatives to Whosixmlapi. It can take a long time to create an image for your brand that is positive enough that your customers…
There are multiple data that we can acquire from a company, like location, category and even what technology they use. But one of the most interesting details to know is the number of employees. Moreover, by knowing this you can estimate the size of the headquarters, how many specific departments…
Are you searching for categorizing companies by their city and don’t know how? Here, we explain to you how that can be done through an API. When you set a company or business up, deciding on the best location is key to your success. The city in which you reside…
The information we gather about our contacts is typically poor and does not provide us with enough information to work with. That is, non-enriched leads are those in which we simply know an email address. Hence, this is insufficient to launch a focused marketing strategy that will deliver relevant information.…
Are you trying to find the perfect company data API for your French business? Here, we show you the three best. Nowadays, it’s amazing how much an API might impact a business. If your goal is to understand your consumers or rivals and tailor your message so that you can…
B2B companies can benefit a lot from knowing information about their potential customers or partners. Making good business decisions requires knowing where your consumers are. Indeed, all you need is an URL to get this information. Where? Although you may already know the virtual location of each person in your…