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Do you want to obtain international market data? If your answer is yes, you need to use one of these currency conversion APIs. Whether you have a business of international commerce or a SMB, you know that it’s important to get the data you need to make informed decisions. The…
Do you want to know which foreign exchange data APIs are the best alternatives for Fixer this year? If so, keep reading! Forex exchange data is one of the most important pieces of information in Forex trading. If you are not familiar with Forex, it is an acronym for Foreign…
Do you want to know what a foreign currency tracker API is and why is it useful? If so, keep reading! The global economy is becoming more integrated all the time. As a result, it’s important for businesses to understand how foreign currencies affect their bottom line. If you sell…
Foreign exchange data is one of the most important resources for any forex trader. In this article, we will show you how to use an API for accessing forex exchange data; and how to get started with trading in the forex market. The foreign exchange market is one of the…
Are you looking for a way to convert any currency to USD? If so, you need to use this currency convertor! Currency conversion is one of the most common tasks on the web. Whether you’re planning a vacation abroad; or just want to know how much money in USD you…
Do you want to easily integrate currency conversion data into your website? If so, you should use this API! More than ever before, people around the world are doing business with each other through the internet. This means that if you sell anything online, whether it’s physical products or digital…
Do you want to learn how to use a currency conversion PHP API? If your answer is yes, keep reading! The financial industry has always been one of the fastest growing areas of technology, so there’s no doubt that it will continue to grow at an exponential rate. Nowadays, having…
Are you looking for forex exchange data which can provide your clients with historical and real-time data? If so, you can use this API. If you have a financial business, you will agree that it is important to stay updated on the latest trends in the market. You need to…
Do you want to enable currency exchange on your website? If so, you can use this API! Currency exchanges are a great way to add extra value to your website. While many people use them to find out how much their money is worth in other countries; they can also…
Do you want to obtain forex exchange rates from the Bank Negara? If so, you’ll need this API. The Bank Negara Malaysia, or BNM, is the central bank of Malaysia. It was established on September 17, 1967, after the dissolution of the Federation of Malaya; it is located in Kuala…