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Tag: Fintech

Scotiabank goes for fintech and creates the accelerator Factory A

Investors, academia and start-ups. The Canadian bank Scotiabank brought together the necessary allies to consolidate an innovation strategy that leads it to improve its products and its customer’s experience in Latin America. The plan includes digital factories, alliances with venture capital funds and the creation of Factory A, the accelerator…

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This is how BBVA confronts the external disruption of the ‘fintech’ and the digital giants

The transformation of BBVA has a very important pillar in the search for new business models that can directly impact the current way of understanding financial services. Normally these disruptive models come from digital companies and ‘startups’ that redefine part of the value chain of banking services, generating a new…

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Why the government helps fintech: This Federal Council comes to late fintech honors

As a former Minister of Economic Affairs, he helped the Swiss fintech scene to a public relations coup. Also for this Johann Schneider-Ammann now comes to late honors. A fintech influencer? It is quite possible that Johann Schneider-Ammann would not easily dismiss the word “fintech influencer” – in May 2016,…

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