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Customer satisfaction is a crucial element when running a successful business. Satisfied customers will probably spend more money and recommend your products and services to others. On the other hand, unhappy clients might represent a risk, but they are equally important in any upcoming business. In a perfect scenario, a…
Do you want to know how to utilize an online API for sentiment analysis in your software? If so, keep reading! Let’s start by understanding that sentiment analysis is the ability to detect; interpret and recognize the emotional state in a person or group of people by analyzing their physical…
Are you looking for the ultimate facial expression recognition API available now? If so, you are in luck! Keep reading! The importance of emotions in our lives makes it necessary for many industries and areas to monitor them. All things considered, this can give them a clear picture of how…
Are you looking for the best-in-class emotion recognition API in 2022? If the answer is yes, great! Keep reading! Since many professions need to keep tabs on the emotions of their patients, clients, students, and patients, AI technologies have recently become quite popular on the Internet. Moreover, by comprehending their…
Are you having trouble recognizing facial expressions? If so, don’t worry! Facial expression recognition is now easily done with this API! One of the most crucial, and complicated, components of who we are is our emotional state. This is due to the fact that, despite our best efforts to act…
Are you looking for the best emotion detection API in Python? If the answer is yes, you are in luck! Keep reading to find out! As you may already know, emotions are difficult to read. And the truth is that people have difficulty understanding them very well. For instance, when…
Opinion Mining is a strategy towards NLP (Natural Language Processing) to identify the emotional tone that lies beneath a text. Organizations use this tool to define and sort opinions about a product, a service or an idea. By using data mining, machine learning and AI, the specific APIs extract subjective…
Looking for a way to simplify your business processes, enhance your knowledge workers to perform efficiently, automate tedious and manual tasks? Planning to get constant feedback of your company`s prestige, visualize new trends of production and develop a proactive crisis management? In other words, are you trying to promote your…
The feelings and opinions of people on the Internet about a product or company can make a difference. Whether they are for or against, it is always important to take their comments into account. Fortunately, today there are tools that can help us interpret people’s emotions through their writing. Read…
Are you looking for the best facial expression detector API for development purposes? If so, you are in luck! Keep reading! Let’s start with a fact: emotions are often difficult to read; and even though some people can understand them, others cannot. Emotions are more than just feelings — they’re…