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Looking how to create attractive newsletters with email marketing? Read this article and learn in a click! What Is A Newsletter? Newsletters are a useful way to keep your readers informed about your activities. They can include product promotions, new information, tips and tricks, new projects, and more. A newsletter…
Trying to learn how to grow your business with email marketing advanced features? Read this article now! Growth is an important part of any business. To grow your company, you need to be prepared to take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves. Whether you’re a brand-new startup or have…
Try out an email marketing tool and learn how to communicate with customers simply and auntomatically now! Every business needs to communicate with its customers. To do that effectively, you need to keep them engaged and informed. Email marketing is the most powerful way to do that. The communication between…
If you’re tired of overspending for tools, you should give a try to this email marketing tool now! Many companies use tools that aren’t designed for their specific industry. This means that marketers spend more and more on tools that show them exactly what they need to know. Use this…
Are you looking to superchange your email marketing workflow? Read this article and find out how! Email is a great way to connect with your audience, but it can be time-consuming as well. Our email marketing platform uses proprietary technology to help you manage your email workflow so you can…
Looking to build automated email marketing workflow? Read this article and try out an email marketing tool! Email workflow is the set of actions that lead to a certain outcome after an email is opened, such as adding an event, for example. By defining your email processes, you can save…
Are you looking for a way to promote your event using an email marketing campaign? Then you should definitely read this post! Event advertising is essential for success, whether you’re organizing your company’s first conference or throwing an annual party. Using email marketing to promote events makes sense practically because…
Read this post if you are looking for the best tips and practices to use email marketing in the cannabis industry and our recommendation of the best email marketing provider! For businesses in most industries, including the cannabis industry, email marketing is one of the most efficient ways to promote…
Looking for the best email marketing as a journalist? The greatest spot for learning how to use it is right here. Journalists are under more and more pressure to engage readers and increase audience size, but they are also expected to do so with fewer staff members and resources. Writing…
If you want to keep valuable customers & nuture them with email marketing! Email marketing is not only about attracting new customers, but also about retaining existing ones. The problem is that global competition is getting stronger and today it is quite difficult to keep customers. If your business is…