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This week, the 18th Swiss Economic Forum takes place on the highly relevant topic of “Agility – Success Factor in Times of Change”. The term was rarely used a few years ago except in dog sports, it suddenly appears everywhere from nowhere. Even companies that saw the light of day…
Founders have to manage their resources. As the CEO ever takes over the role of the marketer, raises the customer support, the first public relations efforts and casually off the redesign of the website. And not only in terms of employees have many startups in the first time bake small…
When surfing the Internet, on many occasions, we have run into advertisements for products that may interest us or brands of our choice. But why does it happen? How do you know what we like? Well if you do not know why it happens, in the next report we present…
A new generation of entrepreneurs is detonating a major change in Latin America. The emerging technology companies created by these entrepreneurs declare themselves ready for innovation in sectors such as agriculture, logistics and education; teach students the new skills for a digital economy, improve the productivity of vast arable land…