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Are you looking for a way to automate the process of blurring faces in photographs? Then, you should give APIs a try! Read on to find out what they are and how to use the best one. People frequently use social media to express their opinions and feelings, which might…
Have you ever considered how a sophisticated search engine might benefit your website or app? The overall user experience for your users may be substantially improved and elevated by a potent web search engine. A excellent search experience may increase visitors’ ability to discover content and goods on almost any…
Are you wondering how to categorize URLs by their categories? Use this domain reputation APIs! Here we will introduce you the best tools available to help you in this task! A good way to organise your website database is by categorising your industries. By defining the type of industry they…
Are you wondering how do confidence scores work and how to obtain them with an API? If that is your case, read to the end because here we will tell you everything you need to know about it and will introduce you to the tool that can provide it in…
Are you looking for a tool that can assist you quickly in organizing your database of domains? Then, you should use a domain API! Here, we will tell you everything you need to know about it! Nowadays, everything has been automatized by artificial intelligence tools that help every day to…
Do you need to determine the amount of plagiarism in a document? It uses this API which detects copied content! According to the law, plagiarism is the act of duplicating and using another person’s work while claiming that doing so violates the author’s copyright. In other words, plagiarism is the…
Are you a journalist looking for ways to blur faces on your images? We’ve gathered the best 3 face blur APIs for you to use, so read on! Journalists are frequently required to share photographs with the general audience. Most of these photos may be of renowned persons, such as…
Are you looking for ways to remove the identities of multiple people? Well, then you have to try using an API. Read on to find out which one is the best in the market in 2022. We must be careful not to disclose too much personal information about ourselves or…
Are you looking for a service to provide technical assistance with software selling? Here you’ll find a marketplace specialized in providing API monetization for developers! When you’re new in the business, everything seems confusing and impossible to learn quickly. It doesn’t matter which area you’re trying to enter. It can…
You won’t have to lose more time looking for a secure way to sell APIs on the internet. Below, you’ll find everything about a marketplace where new developers can position their software. Chiefly, you already studied what you wanted. You’re a programmer and take too much time to create new…