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Swiss cybersecurity company opens Blockchain Center of Excellence in Geneva

The Swiss blockchain and cybersecurity company WISeKey announced on February 1 that it opened a Blockchain Center of Excellence in Geneva.

WISeKey is a leading global cybersecurity company that currently implements large-scale digital identity ecosystems for people and objects that use Blockchain, AI and IoT (internet of things). Specifically, the company focuses on secure authentication and identification using a tool called Root of Trust.

In the announcement, WISeKey highlights that the new Blockchain Center of Excellence is part of the partnership with the Blockchain Research Institute (BRI) for the creation of several interconnected Centers around the world. In this way, WISeKey has managed to establish the Blockchain Center of Excellence in India, Mauritius and Rwanda. However, the project includes the creation of another center in the Argentine city of Buenos Aires.

“All these centers will be interconnected through 3 Hubs: Geneva, Toronto and Beijing, a Triangle Trust that operates under a Common Trust Protocol, using WISeKey’s reinforced PKI Blockchain technology, providing confidence and security, while maintaining the core values of Blockchain transparency, auditability, and traceability “says the statement. The Public Key Aphrastructure (PKI) is a security method that is used in authentication processes, data encryption and digital signatures.

They also suggest that the Blockchain Geneva Center of Excellence will help new companies involved with blockchain technology. In addition, it will be in charge of investigating and promoting new technologies. It will also aim to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology in the public and private sectors.

On the other hand, the objective of blockchain global centers is to coordinate with companies, academic institutions and other centers and share best practices and resources. Each center will develop its own area of expertise. Geneva will focus on fintech, while the center of Buenos Aires, Argentina, will specialize in anti-counterfeiting platforms.

Also published on Medium.

Published inFintech