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Swim In Data Delight Diving Into The Fish Species Database API!

With nearly 100,000 species of fish in the planet, it´s impossible to cover knowledge about them by seeing them live and touching them. Icthyology is a branch of biology that has countless uses.

We consume fish for the protein they provide, for the omega-3 fatty acids they contain, and for the variety of vitamins and minerals they supply. Fishing is also an attractive activity whether it`s for sports or for business.

<a href="">Swim In Data Delight Diving Into The Fish Species Database API!</a>

Apart from the high content of Omega-3 acids, fish is also high in iron, which is essential for red blood cell production and oxygen transportation throughout the body; with phosphorus which has various medical benefits, and Vitamin B12 which keeps strength and active energy. Knowing which fish species to choose can help get the most nutritional value out of one´s diet, while also helping to protect the environment. The more we know, the more benefit for ourselves and the planet. But we need definitely an automated software for identification and classification of fish species: Fish Species Database API. This tool is a good basis for developers who need to devise customized APIs for their clients.

There are many use cases in which this comprehensive fish species database API is applied. Mainly of course for commercial purposes, as the demand for food grows uncontrollably day by day. Also for educational purposes or to create databases with all the information about various fish species for scientific research. Aquarists use it to track their collections and classify the species.

Fishermen especially find this software of extreme usefulness as it allows to focus on catching and identifying just one fish at a time, without having to spend time reading about every single species, as well as to learn more about the species that live in their area, and maybe even discover some new ones!

This API works by using AI which allows it to recognize images and extract the information from them in seconds. This means that all one needs to do is upload the image of the name of the fish, and the application will retrieve all the expected information in no time at all.

This API is perfect for anyone who needs to identify fish quickly and efficiently. Whether you are a fisherman, a researcher or just someone concerned about icthyology, this API helps find all relevant information with ease.

Overall, the Fish Species Database API is an essential resource for anyone who´s interested in learning more about fish species and the ecosystems they inhabit. With its comprehensive information and easy-to-use interface, it’s the proper tool for marine biologists, fishermen, and anyone looking to expand their knowledge of the underwater world.

How To Start Using This API

<a href="">Swim In Data Delight Diving Into The Fish Species Database API!</a>

Once you count on a subscription on Zyla API Hub marketplace, just start using, connecting and managing APIs. Subscribe to Fish Species Database API by simply clicking on the button “Start Free Trial”. Then meet the needed endpoint and simply provide the search reference. Make the API call by pressing the button “test endpoint” and see the results on display. The AI will process and retrieve an accurate report using this data.

Fish Species Database API examines the input and processes the request using the resources available (AI and ML). In no time at all the application will retrieve an accurate response. The API has two endpoints to access the information: All Species and Fish Data By Name.

If the input is bass in the endpoint Fish Data By Name the response will look like this:

{ "id": 77, "name": "Bass", "url": "", "img_src_set": "Not available", "meta": {} }, { "id": 78, "name": "Basslet", "url": "", "img_src_set": "Not available", "meta": {} }, { "id": 99, "name": "Black bass", "url": "", "img_src_set": { "1.5x": "", "2x": "" }

This is certainly only an extract of the full report the API retrieves, with all specific features of all types of bass fish one can find in the world.

Published inAPIApps, technologyTechnology
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