Getting data from competitors and clients is a key element if you want to make your business grow, or even stay afloat. If you are struggling to do so, read on and find out how to do it.
Why Is It So Important To Focus On Getting Info From Customers?
Businesses all over the world have recently had to rethink how they operate and interact with their customers. While the impact will be varied and volatile for some businesses, there is a clear need, now more than ever, to digitise at scale and speed in order to thrive and rebuild revenue.

Prior to the global financial crisis, many businesses struggled to implement digital transformation strategies effectively. According to MuleSoft’s Connectivity Benchmark Report, only 12% of organisations surveyed have a company-wide API strategy. While this period of time has accelerated many businesses’ digital transformation journeys in the region, the pressing question on many leaders’ minds now is how to move forward and ensure their digital transformation roadmaps are prepared for a post-pandemic world.
As new business users emerge in the aftermath of the pandemic, there is a need to expand API implementation and reuse. Businesses can achieve digital transformation once they understand how an API-led roadmap can help them manage priorities and deliver customer-centric initiatives quickly.
Why Is It So Important To Get Info From Competitors?
The primary reason for conducting competitor intelligence is to gain valuable INSIGHT into what your competitors are doing and offering. It takes constant analysis to maintain your market position. Obtaining intelligence on your competitors is critical in shaping your strategies and determining your market strengths and weaknesses.
Many factors can influence your sales and profitability, but the most important are the gaps and weaknesses in your business that you are unaware of. To figure out what these are, you must first learn what your competitors are offering and then ensure you are meeting customer expectations.
How Can You Get All This Info?
To get all the information you need about customers and competitors, using an API is the best way. Because of this, we have gathered some data about the best 3 APIs in the market you may find useful.
1- Klazify
You can gain a better understanding of your customers with the help of the customer data API Klazify. The API was distinguished by its obvious Smart Categorization Technology. It can automatically classify your corporate website. When you enter your website’s address, Klazify will search through your information and meta descriptions.
It also uses text extraction and NLP to categorise the website into up to three groups. While the current discussion focuses primarily on customer data, this API also allows you to access other types of data. such as income, location, branding, and social media information.
Klazify will provide all of this simply by using an email, URL, or domain. Yes, with just these three, you can gather a wealth of information that will help you improve your overall performance!
2- Clearbit
The API offers a comprehensive view of the company and everything to which it is linked. Consider new customers and consumers. Customers are central to this API. As a result, Clearbit allows you to find audiences, create accurate buying journeys, and more.
3- Monkey Learn
Monkey Learn is a text analytics API that focuses on text decoding and analysis. You can use it to learn how to perform everyday tasks like identifying categories because it provides simple instructions and out-of-the-box text mining examples.
You can use this API to automatically tag your content using text analytics models. You have the option of using predefined models or using machine learning to create your own classifiers and extractors.