If you fear that your company’s network and device suffer from IP duplication, keep reading. Sometimes, that can happen due to hackers o a failure in the system that assigns IP addresses. However, we can recommend an IP security API to help prevent those situations.
Of course, to have access to a network, your device must send data to host servers for all online activity. From checking email to watching animal videos, each participant in the process must have their own identity.
Moreover, the addresses are necessary to open any page from your browser. Without contacting the server of the page, you will not have access to any website. Thus, your request to access a site as much as the recipient’s response goes in data packets containing both addresses.
But, if you have a public IP address or your company has one, all of you can be at risk. And the principal reason is that many people can utilize it, including some with bad intentions. Nowadays, the tendency regarding public IPs is they’re progressively falling out of use. Although they still retain specific importance for some users. Gamers and people who want to access its devices from their workplaces still use them.
Consequently, you’ll need a tool to protect your IP addresses. And if they aren’t public, it’s recommendable to have one anyway. Unluckily, there’s a lot of personal data-stealing to make scams and steal money from bank accounts through your devices.

Stop duplication with an IP security API like Ipxapi
Ipxapi offers a complete service based on geolocation. With this basic system, you can request a lot of information of various kinds about IP addresses. If you choose the location feature, you can delimitate your business extension. Plus, you can find new targets to sell your services. Also, you’ll be able to customise your offer according to specific geographical characteristics.
Concerning software protection, they provide a module of connection and security for your websites and devices. Ipxapi acts immediately in front of the detection of proxies and other unexpected visitors. Every single part of the digital infrastructure of your business will be under strict vigilance daily.
Then, you can ask for all the primary features regarding a circumscribed location. For example, we can mention the time zone where your customers live without the necessity of personal data from them. Above all, this functionality will help establish contact with your customers in apt moments.
Another relevant functionality from Ipxapi is the currency module. If you need to calculate pricing for a particular product, you require the data of which currency to set the price. This geolocation API can provide that information from the specific place your clientele belongs. The price can vary according to the rates of every currency, so you need those rates to obtain a good profit.

Does an IP security API like IPxapi have customer service?
Yes, they provide support even with the free subscription. And if you choose a plan with a cost, you’ll get premium assistance. Anyway, you can always contact the company via chat support.
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