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Sort Your Phone Numbers Database By Geography And Timezone Using A Data API

Do you need a tool to help you improve the personalisation and targeting of your business? If that is your case, you should sort your phone numbers database by geography and timezone using a phone data API. In this article, we will tell you everything about it and much more!

If you work in a large or small company, a B2B, an SME or have a startup, then you are probably aware of the importance of keeping your databases organised. All the information that can be collected about potential customers can be a lot, but it will be useless if it is not properly organised and optimised in a way that is useful to improve personalisation and effective outreach to your audience.

One of the tools you can use to segment your databases is a phone data API. These software programs can tell you if a phone number corresponds to a currently active line, what type of line it corresponds to, what its carrier is and also tell you what region of the world it is from and what the corresponding timezone is. 

Sort Your Phone Numbers Database By Geography And Timezone Using A Data API

This can help you segment your databases according to this data, as well as making sure you add the correct international dialling code in text messages or phone call campaigns, as well as knowing at what time of day you should try to contact your leads. 

This information, as you can imagine, is essential when running mass text campaigns, or improving your customer service or launching special promotions for leads in regions where you want to increase your conversions. 

Phone data APIs can provide all this information in a matter of seconds, and provide these details on multiple phone numbers at once. So, if you want to organise your databases by region or timezone, then read on because in the next section we will introduce you to what we believe to be the best phone data API available.

What Phone Number Validation API Is The Most Recommended?

Sort Your Phone Numbers Database By Geography And Timezone Using A Data API

The most suggested phone data API is the Phone Number Validator API, which is available on the Zyla API Hub. You may securely ascertain whether a phone number is valid by using this API. Thus, by using it, you will be able to quickly determine whether the phone numbers in your database are legitimate or not, which ones relate to mobile lines, what the international calling code, which region corresponds to and the time zone, 

This API can be used to check the validity of the information in your database. Use it to determine the contactable numbers before launching an SMS campaign. 

You should be aware that the Phone Number Validator API offers 100 API calls without a cap and the choice to upgrade to a more expensive plan with a cap of 500,000. For companies searching for a phone validator and a means to rearrange their 

How To Use It

The ease of use of this API is one of its best qualities; with only a few clicks, you can rapidly ascertain whether a phone number is real. Here, we’ll take you step-by-step through the procedure.

  1. You can select the Phone Number Validator API from the Zyla API Hub.
  2. To obtain an API key, register.
  3. Enter the phone number to verify.
  4. To enter the country, you are not need to use the 2-letter ISO standard.
  5. View the results

We have already told you how to sort your phone number database by geography and timezone, and also introduced you to the best phone data API available for it. Give it a try and put your data to work!

Published inAppsTechnology
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