It’s easy to get excited when watching Disney’s Encanto. Recreate the voices of the characters to reach people’s hearts with a free Text to Speech Tool!
Anyone who has seen this movie has recognized one of their family members or themselves in this story of the Madrigal family where all the members of the family have a magical gift, except Mirabel. She will have to discover why and who will finally be able to see beyond what is apparently happening.
The reason behind the secret of the emotion that transmits the film explained by the director of Disney Animation Studios, Clark Spencer, is: “we didn’t want to tell the story of a perfect family because our families always have their pluses and minuses”, says the producer.

“And what if one of the people in the family doesn’t feel part of the family they belong to? Mirabel is the outsider in that house because she doesn’t have a magical gift and she wants to know why. And then we started to feel that there was a movie in that story. Because I think we’ve all felt at one time or another that we weren’t good enough, either at home, with our family, or with the work we’re doing. We’re always comparing ourselves to others. And that’s a very universal thing.”
In fact, the characters of the Madrigal family are all inspired by the screenwriters’ and directors’ own families, according to an interview with the filmmaker.
The film connects so much with all viewers because family is a universal theme, we all have families. And we have all felt at one time or another that we were not the way others saw us, and that has been fundamental.
What is a Text To Speech Tool?
Text-to-speech works on almost all personal digital devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets. This technology can transcribe and read aloud all forms of text files, including Word documents, PDF files, and web pages. Some TTS software packages also include optical character recognition technologies (OCR). This technology enables the AI to read the text in photos.
The voice is produced by a computer, and the reading pace is usually customizable. You can also pick the gender of the AI’s voice. Voice quality varies, although there are TTS with really realistic voices. Here we recommend you Woord.
Why Woord?
Woord is our top choice because it is a feature-rich tool with an easy-to-use interface that transcribes and reads text in nearly any format: pdf, txt, doc(x), pages, odt, ppt(x), ods, and no DRM. MP3 file containing epub, jpg, and png files. It includes a completely free version that can be downloaded and used on both desktop computers and cell phones, as well as online. This tool is remarkable in that it optimizes the MP3 audio file it converts for the device you want to play it on; all you have to do is “tell” it what type of device it will be.

In order for you to start using it, you will need to:
-Visit and click on “Online reader,” or download and install the Google Chrome extension on your computer.
-Write a text on the board if you have one. Alternatively, you can import any existing scans, photos, or documents.
-After that, choose the gender, language, pace, and format.
-After you’ve completed the previous steps, click ‘Speak It,’ and double-check that everything is in order.
-Once you’re satisfied with the outcome, save it to your computer.
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