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Recognize The Dog’s Breed Within A Picture Using An API

Dog breed recognition is a challenge, and it`s up to developers to find a starting point to develop software that will assist common users solve it with an API. Dog classification is easier and more accurate with the tools that AI and deep learning allow.

An API for the purpose can recognize a dog`s breed and even the percentage of every breed in the case of a mongrel dog. There are so many different types of dogs, and they all look different. It can be tough to tell them apart.

Looking at its physical traits, or doing some research online would take time, with a possibly inaccurate result.

Recognize The Dog's Breed Within A Picture Using An API

Dog Breed Classification API uses a database of known dog breeds and their features, and then compares this information with the features of the dog one wants to find out about.

The method begins with a transfer learning by retraining existing pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on the public dog breed dataset. Then, the image augmentation with various settings is also applied on the training dataset, in order to improve the classification performance. The proposed method is evaluated using three different CNNs with various augmentation settings and comprehensive experimental comparisons. The proposed model achieves a promising accuracy of 89.92% on the published dataset with over 150 dog breeds.

Image recognition and classification have successfully applied in various domains, and even for dog breed recognition. The attempts to extend studies from human to animal recognition have succeeded . In particular, dogs are one of the most common animals. Since there are more than 180 dog breeds, dog breed recognition can be an essential task in order to provide proper training and health treatment. Previously, dog breed recognition used to be done by human experts. However, some dog breeds might be challenging to evaluate due to the lack of experts and the difficulty of breeds’ patterns themselves. It also takes time for each evaluation.

Recognize The Dog's Breed Within A Picture Using An API

This API is integrated with Categorize Dog Breed API, Detect Dogs In Images API, Dog Breed Data API, Dog Breed Detector API, and many other applications from the same provider.

To get started, first create an account on Zyla Labs API Hub. Once that is done, one gets an API key to be used to make calls to the endpoint. Next, authenticate the API key by adding the unique alphanumeric code in the  Authorization Bearer.

The immediate response will look like this, once the URL of the picture of a dog has been input:

"results": [
"score": 0.9873785376548767,
"label": "German shepherd, German shepherd dog, German police dog, alsatian"
"score": 0.0025157087948173285,
"label": "kelpie"
"score": 0.0009707494755275548,
"label": "malinois"
"score": 0.0008986197062768042,
"label": "dingo, warrigal, warragal, Canis dingo"
"score": 0.0005087173776701093,
"label": "bloodhound, sleuthhound"

Also published on Medium.

Published inAPI