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Real-Time Face Liveness Detection API REST

Do you want to know how facial recognition software functions? If so, you’ve come to the right place since we’ll give you all the information you need regarding face comparison APIs.
Nowadays, technology has automatized almost everything a human body has the ability to do. This includes the possibility of recognizing the face of the users that coincide with the person register.

The tools that make this work are called face liveness check APIs. These cutting-edge technology software programs are prepared to establish recognize face, and they can tell for sure whether if they are the same person or not.
Face liveness check APIs have a lot of uses, as you can surely imagine by now. They are used to receive images from biometrics analysis. The image URL that you want to check for liveness will be sent to this Image property checker API . It will include details like the face’s quality, if the photo was taken live, and its placement in the picture.

Real-Time Face Liveness Detection API REST

Fortunately, you can get several of them on the market. There are some that allow you to utilize facial recognition without pay as long as you use a particular number of API calls each month, and others that only charge you for individual API calls. However, we will now show you to the one that we thought was the simplest to use, the most reasonably priced, and the most precise: Face Liveness Check API from ZYLALABS.

Advanced algorithms in the Liveness facial recognition API can identify several of the most popular biometric spoofing techniques, including 3D and 2D masks and images or videos played on an iPad or laptop. It helps organizations validate that they deal with a real person within seconds, significantly lowering compliance and fraud risk.

Check that the selfie your users take is indeed being taken live, that it was snapped quickly enough to be saved in your files, that no other faces can be seen in the picture, and that the face actually takes up the majority of the picture.
Face liveness detection helps in the identification of frauds by ensuring that the image you have been given isn’t a picture of a picture, a passport-sized image, or an image of another person on a cell phone or laptop screen.

Real-Time Face Liveness Detection API REST

Using biometric authentication techniques, face recognition technology can find facial features in any image or video. The image is compared to the official records provided by your clients in order to identify the face. It uses a number of AI-powered techniques to ensure authenticity, including liveness detection, depth mapping, skin texture analysis, and 3D sensing. The effectiveness of the program has enhanced with the application of AI algorithms for facial verification.

One advantage is the use of machine learning and AI to enhance your KYC and identity-verification procedures. Additionally, it enables frictionless liveness detection, customer verification, and onboarding and is extremely quick. Additionally, best-in-class certified liveness detection prevents faking attacks with anti-fraud protection.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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