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Quantfury will be the bridge between your crypts and the financial markets, all in the palm of your hand

Since the appearance of cryptocurrencies in the world, there has been some resistance that these can operate freely in the financial markets, causing that the possessors of crypto have to do HODL obligatorily, without being able to multiply their digital assets.

There are some means to exchange your crypts evenly by assets, but the associated commissions melt your money practically or, they are very complex and require expensive systems. Today we bring a viable solution for everyone, you only need your phone and Internet connection, we refer to the Quantfury application.

The birth in the shadows

Quantfury is a Fintech company that was born in 2017 by the hands of Gregory Kim, who is its current director. His story is interesting, since the idea of creating this company arose because he was tired of the injustice to cryptocurrencies, looking to offer a better service for users.

To understand where the inspiration comes from, we must know about its creator, beginning that he could see first hand the inequality of information, since he worked for several years in banks like Merrill Lynch, ING. and Credit Agricole.

He was able to observe how there existed a monopoly of information, which made the growth of the crypto market impossible. Then when he saw that there were methods to use the crypts in the financial market, he got the unpleasant surprise that you needed a degree in finance to understand it or, the commissions were bigger than the money you wanted to move. With these two challenges that bother him, he decided to act, put together a working group and create Quantfury.

“With Quantfury, users operate without commissions or payments for leverage or any type of surcharge for service. Our users buy and sell assets, cryptocurrencies, commodities and currencies at the best price offered by global markets. Quantfury allows the holders of cryptoactives to operate in the markets in better conditions than those who do it with credit cards or bank accounts, “Gregory said.

Turn your phone into your tool

With the idea in mind that its platform was easy to understand, the idea that it should be comfortable for the user to access was associated, without the need to invest processors that shoot rockets at the moon. His solution was to go to our daily assistant, the cell phone, including tablets, for which he developed the mobile application called Quatfury: Start Using Crypto To Trade All Markets, available for IOS and Android.

To start you only need to download the application, have a phone number where you get a message to verify that you are not a bot and, your mail. With this you will be ready to start moving these crypts to your liking without any commission.


Since 2017 they have done a great job in concentrating an immense amount of accesses to their platform, being one with the largest amounts of financial assets available in the market. Highlighting something particular and beneficial, Quantfury uses the purchase and sale prices of the assets, without manipulating them to deceive about the situation, these are obtained directly from the stock exchange and global electronic communication networks (ECN). You can work with:

779 medium and large capitalization shares listed in the United States and the European Union.

Exchanges for dollars or euros with BTC, ETH, LTC or XRP.

14 of the most important fiduciary pairs in the market.

The valuable raw materials such as Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Gold, Platinum, Silver and Copper.


Your way of operating is as simple as depositing money in your digital wallet, but vice versa, that is, you first deposit your crypts and then multiply them. To understand it, let’s use a simple example:

They deposit the equivalent of $ 100 in BTC, highlighting that they are only kept as collateral, you can withdraw them if you wish. With that you will get at least $ 2,000 to invest in any market of the platform, without any type of commission or limitation, you can see that they are approximately 20 times of what was originally invested.

This means that you can buy or sell Tesla shares, crude oil, gold or take a short position with Ripple, all from the palm of your hand. All the profits that users obtain when trading in Fiat are then converted into the cryptocurrency with which they post the guarantees and can be withdrawn at any time.

It is highlighted that they will not always be x20 when investing, it will depend on the cryptocurrency that is used and the limits to work that you pose, having a great variety for your tastes and planned goals.

The clarification has to be made that, if the platform seeks to reduce any possible risk, it is easy to understand to avoid errors and various guarantees for its safety, when it comes to financial markets, there will always be a risk when dealing with assets that can vary its price by market expectations.

If you want to try the application, remember to download it or visit its official site.

Published inApps