Discriminatory advertising policies implemented by advertising platforms such as Google and Facebook leave CBD oil brands, casinos, gambling, or erotic content businesses with few marketing options on social media. Therefore, continue reading Promote Your Content Without Being Banned In 2023; we will tell you about Postr, a tool that will allow you to work on your mailing strategy without censorship.

The advertising challenges: the case of CBD in Electronic Commerce.
No business can be successful without advertising, promotion, and without letting your target audience know that the business exists. The CBD market is no different and faces some big obstacles.
And while you can now have a CBD storefront on major eCommerce platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce, business owners still can’t easily advertise like your fashion apparel and other contemporary retailers.
CBD e-commerce advertising is an important tool to reach your customers. And staying afloat is a must for any eCommerce business. Digital ads are an important marketing tool that is missing from the tool belts for CBD oil brands.
The main players in the digital advertising market are Google and Facebook.
CBD e-commerce advertising is a trusted way for brands to drive traffic to their websites, allowing them to scale quickly and affordably. Unfortunately, the DEA has classified CBD as a “harmful product,” according to Google and Facebook (which also owns Instagram and WhatsApp).
For now at least.
As a result, any account advertising CBD products can (and will be) shut down by those platforms. Almost all ad networks, including Amazon, Pinterest, and Twitter, have similar limitations, leaving CBD brands with little choice.
Those discriminatory advertising policies have reduced e-commerce revenues across the industry. 97% of cannabis startups will probably fail within their first year, compared to just 20% of all small businesses. The bureaucracy has solutions.
Another option is to use a cannabis ad network. These more compact systems let CBD companies run display adverts on websites that support marijuana use. Unfortunately, display ads (almost) often have lower click-through rates than social ads and search ads.
This means more valuable ad dollars for fewer results.
The fact is that email marketing is still very effective and, in some cases, much more profitable than advertising on search engines and social networks. Here are the facts:
Personalization is super effective – Most B2B (55%) and B2C (69%) email marketers are effective at maintaining consistent, relevant, and personalized communications with prospects and customers. Sixty-three percent of B2B email marketers segment marketing efforts by industry, region, or topic to avoid untargeted email campaigns.
Do you check email more than social media?: According to a specialist’s study, 99% of consumers check their personal emails every day. This is 17% higher than social media accounts.
Hobby-related emails are opened and clicked: The majority of emails opened are related to hobbies, with an open rate of 27.35 percent. A good open rate is 10% to 15%, anything over 20% is exceptional when creating a successful sales funnel for your business.
The fact is that email marketing is an effective tool to present to the target audience of your business of any kind. You spend less money and energy on building campaigns and it is a closer 1-to-1 relationship that the owner builds with their consumer.
Postr: Promote Your Content Without Being Banned In 2023
Nowadays there are lots of options for email marketing. However, not all email marketing services let you promote every content without restrictions. As a result, you’ll probably waste a lot of time looking for one that doesn’t block your material and provides excellent results. To assist you in making that selection, we strongly recommend Postr, one of the most permissive email marketing systems available.

To use it, you must do the following:
- Create an account at www.sendyellow.io
- Import a csv list or manually enter your subscribers.
- Begin your campaign and make changes to its parameters.
- Select a template or create your own.
- When you finish, send or schedule your campaign.
By using artificial intelligence, this email marketing system can increase open rates by as much as 70%. Personalization increases conversions, according to its premise. To the first 200 subscribers, you can send up to 20,000 emails each month. Don’t limit yourself to only sending newsletters, so you can send welcome emails, birthday wishes, and any other kind of information.