The geographical information of the users is very relevant when it comes to showing interest in content. Geolocation opens new doors of personalization in digital advertising strategies, and also offers positioning opportunities to businesses such as stores and restaurants. But, in addition, it can be a way to improve the security of your ecommerce. Therefore, keep reading Proactive Network Security With An IP Security API, we will tell you about IpXapi, a tool that will allow you to access all the data you need.

Investigation of network traffic for an IP address
To gain visibility into relevant content in conversations that occurred during a security incident; you can retrieve and reconstruct the network traffic that is associated with an IP address. You can also search existing cases related to an IP address.
An issue is produced when network traffic is recreated using an IP address. Investigators can view a sequence of events from the security incident or view incident documents.
How does geolocation work in an IP Security API?
Geolocation is possible thanks to the information contained in our devices. Each user’s device (computer, mobile, tablet) has an IP address that indicates its specific location. The first three digits of the IP address correspond to the code of each country; while the successive digits usually refer to specific areas within that domain. We call geotargeting in advertising the use for commercial purposes that we do of the geographic information that we extract from the IPs of the users who visit our website.
The system is not 100% accurate. There may be inaccuracies when users use proxy servers, VPNs, or other IP address masking tools. However, these cases represent a low percentage compared to other users who do have a visible IP.
It is not necessary to be a large company or have an exorbitant budget to carry out geotargeting actions or to use geolocation for the benefit of the company. Local SEO and tools like Google My Business allow us to position our business based on its location and optimize positioning on Google Maps to reach our closest audience.
What is geolocation in advertising?
Geolocation in companies is a digital advertising technique based on the personalization of content based on the geographic location of potential buyers. This technique makes it possible to offer content, filtered according to the place of residence, for a better user experience.
Examples help us see it more clearly. When visiting a website that has several languages, we get the language version of the country in which we reside at the time of entering the page. This also affects the ads that they show to us and even the specific offers and promotions of each country; which we will be able to see or not depending on our location.
Geolocation also has a clear impact on the user, who uses it to their advantage. It is a variable that allows us to satisfy our needs more quickly since, by filtering the search results, we find what we need much sooner. Interaction is key: reviews and comments in establishments boost SEO and influence the purchasing decisions of users that will come later. A two-way and much closer relationship thanks to the fact that we know our respective locations.
IpXapi: IP Security API
IpXapi is an inexpensive website monitoring application that also serves as a sophisticated geolocation and IP address identification tool. Because of its database and API, this service provides a high level of accuracy in IP statistics. It is linked to a number of well-known ISPs, who provide regular updates on new and current IP ranges. Because ipXapi is linked to several channels that provide real-time IP data; the API’s database updates daily, with up to 24 database modifications per day.

The software supports both IPv4 and IPv6, and it gives IP data such as ping response time and location, device type and connection speed, hostname resolution, DNS control, IP network access details, SSL certificate information, WHOIS name server search, and many more features.
If you want to know more about IpXapi check these articles…
Geolocation Using IP Address And Its Advantages
A Beginner’s Guide To IP Geolocation APIs
Thank You For Reading Proactive Network Security With An IP Security API !!
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