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150 million euros for start-up initiatives at universities in NRW

The state provides ample money for the interface between science and industry. Six universities will prevail – all with ambitious plans. Aachen, Bochum, Dortmund, Cologne, Münster and Paderborn: At these universities, significantly more will happen in the coming years for the promotion of start-ups. Yesterday, the six universities worked on…

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Partnership in the financial industry to get digital growth

Digital technology is transforming the expectations and preferences of customers, challenging the leaders of the industries to adapt and evolve their business models. The financial services industry is no exception. The massive adoption and global ubiquity of mobile phones, coupled with the digitalization of financial processes and services, has created…

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Crypto exchanges are fleeing the US

The most important crypto exchange revealed that it had received 18 citation requests from US authorities. Despite being based in Switzerland, the United States government submitted 30 percent of all applications received. A warning to crypto exchange Earlier this month, Kraken, another major crypto exchange, published its transparency report. The…

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