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Amazon Chile prevented from the name Alexa for virtual assistant

Amazon Chile Amazon has lost in its attempt to register its virtual assistant “Alexa” in Chile. The company admitted the defeat after numerous judicial obstacles. Both the Supreme Court of Chile and the Industrial Property Court (INAPI) prevented Amazon from formally registering its product due to name complications. According to…

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Best Bitcoin Mining Hardware of 2019!

What is the Best Bitcoin Mining Hardware of 2019? Bitcoin mining requires highly energy-hungry hardware and a firm understanding of the underlying blockchain technology that drives the Bitcoin network. The Bitcoin mining arms race, however, has created a specialized breed of computational hardware dedicated solely to solving Bitcoin blocks. Selecting…

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Tech entrepreneurs: opportunities await startups in technology fields

The accompaniment of accelerators makes more projects become successful because they provide support to jump obstacles. Many countries are generating technology-based companies in scale and this is the beginning of a transformation for the region. Although less than a decade ago the explosion of tech startups began, Latin America already…

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