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The next step of your startup is to go eco-friendly: Amazon plans that 50% of its shipments are carbon-free

The e-commerce giant Amazon has announced on Monday that it has set itself the goal of making half of all its shipments carbon-free by 2030. Going eco-friendly nowadays is, apparently, really profitable. Zero Shipment The so-called “Zero Shipment” project is viable thanks to the improvements that can be made through…

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Amazon’s marketing strategies: Here’s all you need to know if you are an entrepreneur

The retail giant has announced the launch of Amazon Moments, a new tool with which companies can reward their customers with physical or digital gifts from the marketplace. The use of gifts as a reward to consumers is a fairly common technique in traditional marketing strategies, however it has been…

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Fintech startups on the way to make banking more innovative (+ a list of startups you need to hear about!)

With the FinTech partnership program “Elevator Lab”, Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) is pursuing the goal of intensifying its cooperation with FinTechs in Central and Eastern Europe. Yesterday, Thursday, a Demo Day took place in Vienna, where a total of eight FinTechs presented their technologies. In 2017, Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI)…

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This is what you need to know if you are running an e-commerce startup: Do companies pay taxes?

Amazon did not pay federal income taxes in 2017 and 2018 While the company does not pay federal income taxes in the United States, it reported “tax payments” for US $ 1.2 billion last year and 957 million in 2017. Since the figures are not broken down geographically, it is…

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WaitWhat: The managers of TED Talks running a new startup

Burda invests through BurdaPrincipal Investments in the American innovation and media startup WaitWhat. Behind the two-year-old company are the former managers of the digital conference series TED, June Cohen and Deron Triff. The first round of financing totaled about four million dollars. Burda investing in WaitWhat BurdaPrincipal Investments leads the…

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The key to success: Crypto startup breaches 200 client milestone

It goes without saying that the slowdown of the cryptocurrency market in 2018/2019 upset many of the new companies in this industry, even those that have established an unquestionable hegemony. An Ethereum Classic development group was completely withdrawn, while Bitmain, ConsenSys, Steemit, Huobi and ShapeShift more recently received a mandate…

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Are the transactions from this startup on the Bitcoin network helping or harming?

According to reports from Bitcoin (BTC) developers, a startling amount of block space is being wasted on the Bitcoin network to secure the blockchains of other cryptos. A company called VeriBlock has been “borrowing” the hashing power of the Bitcoin network to increase security on vulnerable altcoin chains and filling…

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