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A new startup: Three students want to help companies find errors faster and cheaper

While the German start-up scene is gaining in importance, the flow of capital often stagnates in the very early stages of founding a business. Especially students have a hard time implementing their ideas as investors often prefer to wait for the later stages. Business Insider Deutschland, together with the student…

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Is this war?: Blockchain vs. Fintech, all you need to know about this issue

Although EU blockchain companies had a record year in VC investment, they were still lagging behind in fintech investments. They looked at Innovate Finance’s FinTech VC investment landscape report from 2018, which shows that fintech companies worldwide have raised $ 36.6 billion from VC investors. In contrast, blockchain and crypto-currency…

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Get recognition for your startup: Why is it so important to present it at events

For the fifth time more than 30 startups presented themselves on the final Expo Day of the innovation platform Startup Autobahn in Stuttgart, which was launched by Daimler among others. Especially in focus: the mobility of tomorrow. Deluxe ending “And in the end they drive Mercedes-Benz” concluded Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister…

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“I made € 200,000 creating PowerPoints for 4 hours a week”. The story behind SlidesCarnival success

Jimena has been working as a web designer for 18 years. She is one of those veterans of the network who have lived, and suffered, all their times from within. Always trying, always thinking and, many times, failing. But now, almost two decades after that beginning, he reaps the fruits…

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