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The future of crypto lending

The current prices in the crypto market may not be a sign of huge changes, but behind the scenes, this industry is going through a new, evolutionary period. Particularly the sector of crypto lending, an industry that is still unknown to many HOD teachers. Co-founder and CEO of YouHodler, Ilya…

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Why fintech firms are lagging behind technological giants?

Technological giants such as Amazon, Google, Facebook and Alibaba have an advantage over traditional financial technology companies (fintech) because of having unlimited user information and capital. It allows them to compete strongly. In the analysis FinTech and the structure of the market in financial services, the agency explained that large…

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Presenting 2gether, a collaborative banking platform that will revolutionize EU finances

This initiative of European scope and 100% Spanish capital, has a decentralized character and “works for and for the client” The client, besides being able to subscribe the best product or service and not pay commissions, captures the value generated by himself and the community as a whole In the…

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Update for banking startups: There would be more competition in the bigtech than in the fintech

To date, the relationship between traditional financial institutions and fintech companies seems to be more complementary and cooperative than competitive. However, the big technology, bigtech (such as Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple), which have already begun to venture into financial services in certain jurisdictions, could represent a greater competitive impact.…

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Big companies are joining startups: Apple buys PullString for speech applications

Apple has purchased a San Francisco-based startup focused on developing and publishing voice applications. Pullstring is the name of the startup. For Apple, it could be an important factor in Siri’s improvement and also bridge the gap with Amazon Alexa. An improvement for Siri The acquisition of PullString could play…

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Is Google able to take over fintech? All you need to know about this matter

Technological giants such as Amazon, Google, Facebook and Alibaba have an advantage over traditional financial technology companies (fintech) by having unlimited user information and capital, which allows them to compete strongly, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) said. for its acronym in English). Financial services as part of product range In…

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Blockchain Summit attracts policy makers to speed up cryptographic regulation

A blockchain summit supported by the government of India is attracting many policy makers with the aim of accelerating the development of cryptocurrency regulation in the country. Among the expected participants are officials from the Ministry of Finance of India and the panel currently in charge of drafting the regulatory…

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