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Startups + companies: the new way of cooperation. Learn about the Webasto case

Dr. Gisela Linge, Director Corporate Strategy & Development at Webasto, gives an overview of the cooperation within the initiative StartUp Autobahn, launched by Plug & Play. Webasto is a partner of “StartUp Autobahn” – what was your motivation to participate and what is your current interim conclusion? In order to…

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A startup is developing a 100-gigawatt laser to propel a probe to another star system

Breakthrough Starshot wants to use powerful lasers to propel tiny robotic probes to Alpha Centauri, a nearby star system that may contain habitable planets. Yuri Milner, a Russian-American billionaire, and other Silicon Valley investors are funding the project Starshot calls for a 100-gigawatt laser that could shoot into space and…

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Many great Fintech companies are surfacing in the Caribbean and in Latin America

The annual report of the IDB Fintech in Latin America 2018: Growth and consolidation, qualifies Finsocial, a dedicated company, to provide financial solutions to clients through credits for drafts, as one of the Fintech companies with the most outstanding investments during 2017, and is among the four most representative Colombian…

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Fintech companies face disadvantages

Technological giants such as Amazon, Google, Facebook and Alibaba have an advantage over traditional financial technology companies (fintech) by having unlimited user information and capital, which allows them to compete strongly, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) said, which stands for its acronym in English. In the analysis “FinTech and the…

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