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Wirecard share: Is the share purchase of the FinTech company actually worth it?

Serious allegations against Wirecard AG led to freefall on the stock exchange And the company from Aschheim near Munich even displaced Commerzbank into the MDAX. Nevertheless, DAX entry should not be easy for the financial technology company. Wirecard has been subject to repeated allegations since February 2017. At the time,…

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The story behind Oculus

The recently published book “The History of the Future” describes in an unprecedented level of detail the emergence of the startup Oculus and the history of the latest virtual reality wave. In the first few chapters, author Blake J. Harris explores the modest beginnings of the Oculus founder and today’s…

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Switzerland: Blockchain is booming

The Hocschule Luzern and the Institute for Financial Services Zug (IFZ) have published their “IFZ Fintech Study” for the fourth time. And the insights are by no means surprising for people who know the industry. The framework conditions for companies in the financial technology industry are still good. However, Zurich…

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