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A cooperation of three Swiss companies are building blockchain exchange

Deutsche Börse, Swiss telecommunications company Swisscom and FinTech Sygnum are developing a trading platform for digital assets. The aim is to build a secure and trusted digital asset trading infrastructure. It will meet the regulatory requirements of financial supervision. Key elements of the new ecosystem for digital assets includes issuance,…

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How Ethereum is being replaced

The president of the US Securities and Exchange Commission UU (SEC), Jay Clayton, has recently said that ethereum and similar cryptocurrencies may have been values in the past, but have lost that status. Last June, the head of the corporate finance division of the SEC, William Hinman, said, “As I…

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Take the tech of your startup to the next level: All about 3D printer

Many believed the 3D printer already in the land of portable DVD players and mini-discs. Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence and the Blockchain were the technology trends of recent years and pushed additive manufacturing into the background. 2019 looks different again. But who thinks now, the 3D printing would make his…

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Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Decentralization: How to make them work for your startup

Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Decentralization: Mathias Klenk, Felix Gerlach and Dave McGibbon do not want to read these terms together in an article about their Startup Passbase. To advertise today is a manslaughter argument, they find. Why do we use it anyway? Because exactly these technologies are used by Passbase…

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