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What NOT to do with your startup: “Turnover per se is not very motivating for employees”

Outwardly, everything runs smoothly in the startup world. But those who look at the employee reviews of a young company get an impression of what’s really going on behind the scenes. 26-year-old Viktoria Lindner knows some young digital companies from within, she prepares training startups for the growth phases with…

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Learn from active startups: “At first we had very ambitious expansion plans set”

About four years ago, Kaya Taner and Emma Tracey hooked up the startup Honeypot. In the meantime, 50 employees worked for the start-up company, a “tech-focused job platform”. Well-known companies such as Zeiss, ProSiebenSat1 and zalando rely on Honeypot. The goals of Taner and Co. are great. “We want to…

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What does a customer & experience officer do at a startup? Learn from Konrad Friedrich

Konrad Friedrich is now strengthening the team of the Viennese tracking start-up Waytation as Customer & Experience Officer. The startup evaluates visitor flows at trade fairs and congresses. About this startup The Viennese startup Waytation specializes in the evaluation of visitor flows via bluethooth tags – these include, for example,…

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