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Swiss smartphone banks catch up

How many customers have Swiss smartphone banks? According to Andreas Dietrich of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences Lucerne, Zak’s offer launched by Bank Cler has around 14,000 clients; Neon has a customer base in the four-digit range according to demand of the trade newspaper. The London Fintech Revolut also already…

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Why is it important to make your fintech join forces with other countries

People from different parts of the world have the opportunity to contribute to the capital of the Swiss-Estonian startup through the use of cryptocurrency. The self-hosted campaign brings together the crypto sponsors and the traditional collective financing contributors. The supporters will obtain capital from the Fintech company that plans to…

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Three young Cologne founders are competing with Amazon, Google and Microsoft

As already briefly announced in the Deal Monitor, Endeit Capital, EnBW New Ventures, EnjoyVenture and High-Tech Gründerfonds are investing a considerable € 7 million in the Cologne startup gridscale, a provider for Infrastructure-as-a-Service and Platform -as-a-service solutions. What’s been said so far “We are very confident in the potential of…

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Startup tips from the muesli guru: All you need to know to help grow your startup

How to become successful with the start-up of a company? This question interested about 350 entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs and those who want to be burning. Make mistakes and learn from them One thing made it clear to Max Wittrock: “Making mistakes is important and success does not come overnight.” A…

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